#7: Meeting the Guys

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Michael and I lied on my bed casually, our hands behind our heads and our breathing in time with one another. We stared at the ceiling as we -- well, Michael -- talked. He shook his head in disbelief.

"I just can't believe Roy would do something like that to me. My own best friend!" He sighed in despair. "I think I'm spiraling into a depression," He chuckled as he shook his head and grinned his sexy, yet moronic, grin. "I just wish it didn't happen like this." He was silent for a long time and I stared at his eyes, which were filled with confusion, and sadness.

I smiled up at him as he slowly turned his head to gaze at me with his sky blue eyes and sexy grin. He examined my facial features up and down, making me sigh and blush. I examined his face, his strong, muscular shoulders and arms, and his unbelievably attractive smirk.

His body shook slightly as he laughed silently, and moved closer toward me, and sliding his strong arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer into his warm embrace. Somehow, it felt better than the other hug we had. We weren't being awkwardly interrupted by his ex and his best friend making out, and we weren't having a supposed "friendly" hug.

Tingles and shivers were sent down my spine as he slowly rubbed my shoulder in circles, while still holding me firmly with his arms, and I rested my head on his chest, near his shoulder. It felt solid and strong, warming every inch of my body as we moved closer.

I rested my hands on his stomach, feeling the hardness of his abs. He grinned like a moron, standing up at the foot of the bed.

"I think maybe now would be a good time to meet the guys like you said you would," He suggested, crossing his arms and examining me up and down. "Your place or mine?" He asked smugly. I smiled and shrugged. "Mine," He said decidedly, stepping forward and reaching out a hand to me. I grabbed it tightly and lifted myself up. I nodded, and we headed out the door.


"Welcome to paradise," He gestured grandly, opening the dorm room door, revealing the pig sty that was Michael's dorm. I scoffed. Paradise was a little overstated. Michael walked into the middle of the room. Opening his arms wide, glancing around, he smiled brightly and proudly at me.

"So, what do you think?" He asked. I furrowed my brow and looked around observantly, while Michael laughed loudly and lowered his arms. "I know. It's a mess." He stood in front of me and crossed his arms, smiling complacently. "But it's comfortable."

Just then, the machine outside the door beeped and the door opened with a click and a slight creak. Four boys stood there. They were Michael's friends, the ones that greeted me at the door, along-side him. But there was one particular boy that I recognized: Roy O'Reilly. I glared at him as he glanced at Michael timidly. Michael stiffened and crossed his arms. I wished I were hugging him right now. 

I almost slapped myself. You don't like him! I said to my self. Sure doesn't look like you don't like him, a voice inside my head said back. I was angry at the voice. Shut up, conscience.

Michael smiled, which surprised me. It wasn't a sarcastic smirk, but a friendly, hey-there-guys smile. He walked toward them, his arms open wide, welcoming them to the dorm.

"Hey guys!' He said, high-fiving a few of them. He turned back around and gestured toward me.

"I want you guys to meet a, um..." He made eye contact with me and grinned as he struggled for words. "...my friend, Luna Carwinkle."

The guys all smiled. They looked me up and down, almost hungrily, which sort of disgusted me. But it flattered me, nonetheless. Every guy in this school thought I was hot! Don't even think about dating these losers, the voice in my head ordered. I smiled and waved at the boys sheepishly. A blonde boy, who looked even more muscular than Roy or Michael, stepped forward and took my hand, kissing it gently.

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