#5: Trouble

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I got back to my dorm, and plopped swiftly down on my yellow bed, sighing. Did I really like this guy Michael? Or was he just a player and a womanizer?

I shook my head. I don't like people. I'm not social. I DON'T like this guy! He's trouble and always will be. Why had I even said I would "maybe" go to the school dance with him on Friday? I should've said "no" in a heartbeat. What had made me hesitate?

The door opened and slammed shut loudly, making me jump and sit up. It was Miranda. Oh, great. I had temporarily forgotten I would have to deal with her all day every day -- well, at least when classes aren't in session. Classes started tomorrow; I hoped she wasn't in any of mine.

"You b*tch!" She shouted, with her squeaky high-pitched voice. I furrowed my brow. What the hell was she complaining about now? She stomped forward and hovered over me, one hand on her hip, the other holding a cell phone. "I told you to stay away from him!" She screamed.

I stood up. Who was she talking about? She flipped open her cell phone and showed me a text she had received.

From: Michael

I'm not going to the dance with you. I'm going with Luna.

I gasped and looked up at Miranda. I hadn't necessarily agreed to the date! He was telling everybody that I was going with him?! She raised a hand, and slapped it quickly and hard across my cheek. I gasped and looked at her, mouth and eyes wide open in surprise and disgust.

I slapped her. Her mouth dropped open and she held her cheek, which was turning red. She started to tear up.

"You b*tch!" She repeated, as she had said before. She pointed a finger at me.

"I will get revenge." She said in a serious voice and looked me straight in the eye, before turning and stomping out of the dorm, slamming the door shut behind her. I let out a big breath, that I didn't realize I was holding before.

I jumped onto the bed, switched the lamp off, and climbed under the thick yellow comforter. It was surprising comfortable and warm. Not stiff and weird as I thought it would be. No wonder this boarding school has a fee that costs a fortune -- it's a 5-star hotel!

I sighed and set the alarm clock to wake me up an hour and a half before classes started at 7am. I would have a busy day tomorrow. I drifted off to sleep.


I walked into class and looked around. The only available desk I could find, I saw, was right next to Michael Saldana. My knees weakened and my books suddenly felt very heavy, like a 50-pound dumbell. I took in a breath and walked confidently over to the desk. Michael was grinning at me, with his cute, crooked grin that slanted to his left ear. I smiled, blushed, and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. I set my books in my desk and sat down.

The teacher, Mr. Richards, walked up the board and began instructing us to pull out a sheet of paper and our algebra text books. He wrote some stuff down on the board and everyone began taking notes. Suddenly, a folded sheet of paper was tossed onto my desk. I stared down at it, then looked to my right. Michael grinned at me and nodded for me to read it.

I think you're beautiful.

I stiffened and blushed. Hard. I could feel my face boiling hot. This was the first compliment a boy ever gave me. I didn't know what to think of it. I heard Michael let out a soft, amused chuckle and I blushed harder. I glanced at him; he was grinning like a moron. I chuckled too and grabbed my pen.

Flattery will get you no where.

I wrote. I handed it back to him, and he read it. He stared at me for a while, then wrote something down and passed it to me.

I broke up with Miranda Tanksley. I'm all yours now.

I gasped and stared at the paper. Our messages were steady and continuous. Back and forth, back and forth.

Well, she sure made it apparent that you were hers.

What? Did she say something to you?

Yes. And she showed me your text to her. And then slapped me.

I'll have to have a talk with her.

I don't see what good that would do. The b*tch is helpless.

"Michael Saldana and Luna Carwinkle!" Mr. Richards was announcing loudly. Both of our heads shot up. "Would you please stand and read us your conversation?" 

"U-um... Luna... doesn't speak, sir." Michael objected.

"What do you mean, boy?" He asked, confused.

"She just chooses not to speak. I don't know why." He said quietly. After a few seconds of silence, Michael continued. "I'll... just read it all myself." He grinned at me and winked. 

"Luna, will you go to the school dance with me?" He read aloud in a deep voice. Everyone giggled quietly. Oh no, I thought to myself. "Sure Michael, I would love to!" He then read in a high-pitched voice, imitating a female voice. Everyone giggled louder. I blushed. "Great, when should I pick you up?" He said in the same deep voice. His pitch alternated back to female. "At 8 o'clock sharp. Don't be late." He finished and folded the paper, ripping it up and tossing it in the trash. He looked satisfied. I was blushing and a little angry at Michael. Everyone started murmuring and gossiping about how the weird girl and the hottest guy in school were dating. I sighed. Wonderful.

After class, some girls walked up to me and started giggling and saying how lucky I was.

When I got to my dorm room, Miranda was sitting on her bed texting and looking angry. In her little black miniskirt (a color other than pink; interesting) I could see she was ready to chew me out on something ridiculous. I sighed and dropped my bookbag by the door. She looked up at me, her eyes burning a hole through me. She stood up and walked up to me.

"I heard about what happened today, between you and Michael." She smiled and chuckled. 

"Just to let you know," She leaned in, talking quieter. "He still wants me." I raised an eyebrow and smirked. Yeah right, I thought. 

I mentally kicked myself. What was I thinking? I am not a jealous person! Maybe it was the competitive side of me... Yeah, yeah, that's what it was! Competition! I did not have a crush on Michael! Even if he was adorable, with his... sky blue eyes and sparkling white teeth. My eyes fluttered and I looked up at Miranda, feeling less confident and more insecure than I had before.

Miranda smirked and chuckled again. "What's wrong?" She said, with a pout on her lips. "Nervous?"

I glowered at her, feeling serious. I am not nervous! I stepped closer and got in her face, smirking and placing two hands on her shoulders, biting my tongue and shoving her as hard as I could. She screamed and fell to the ground, hard. It was quite loud. Suddenly, the dorm room door opened and Kelly Bradshaw walked in. Great, I thought, Now I'm in trouble. Kelly looked at Miranda, gasped, then looked to me. She scowled and grabbed my arm, leading me down the hallway.

"Principles Office! Now!" I reluctantly followed her, rolling my eyes and sighing.

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