t w e n t y - o n e

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5 days go by, and Austin has been blowing up my cell phone with so many apolitical messages. I finally reply to one of them.

ALLY: Look Austin, I don't want to talk to you anymore. I am still hurt on what you said last night so bye!

I put my cell phone faced down. Until I hear a ding. I immediately sigh.

I didn't even bother to look. Until 5 minutes later, my phone went to a ding sound to a ring sound.

I automatically ignored it. I decided to go to my room to finish my brand new song I am working on.

My feet walk over to my guitar and then my songbook. I grab a pen and automatically began.

You are the voice inside my mind
Something so real is hard to find
I know, I know
(I know, I know)
I know, I know
(I know, I know)

You are the voice inside my mind
Something so real is hard to find
I know, I know
(I know, I know)
I know, I know
(I know, I know)

I'll hold you tight, remove the air
No space between, I want you here
I know, I know

I just couldn't stop. My emotions were just jumping everywhere on this page. I kept writing and writing on what I am feeling.

Anger. Hurt. Pain. But most importantly, hurt. I can't believe Austin did this to me. I mean I gave him my whole heart as a friend. A best friend. Something isn't right. This isn't him. At all. Why did he yell at me like that?

I just need to know. I put everything down, went downstairs, and off to his house.

Knock. Knock.

"Oh hello Ally. Are you the girl Austin can't stop talking about?" Austin's mother said.

"Yes mam. I am. I was wondering if I can talk to Austin if you don't mind"

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. But Austin isn't here."

I was confused. "Umm...do you know where he is?"

"Oh yes. He is with his best friend Dez. He decided to spent the night there. I haven't seen him in the last two days."

Two days? What the hell was Austin doing at Dez's house for two days?

"Thank you Mrs.Moon. And I am sorry. I'm sure he will come home later on tonight"

She smiled and shut the door. I walk over to Dez's house. His house isn't that far, it's like 20 miles from Austin's house.


I finally reach over to Dez's house. I rang the door bell. His door bell made this kinda screech sound. That's a strange sound for a doorbell, but whatever.

I hear footsteps coming from inside the front door. Then Dez appears.

"Hello Ally. Now why are you here?"

"Nice to see you too Dez, I'm actually here to see Austin. Is he with you by any chance?"

"He is my room watching our favorite Zalien movie. ZALIEN 8 MY BRAINS!"

"That's very...nice Dez, I was wondering if I can talk to him for a little bit if you don't mind"

"Sure. AUSTIN! ALLY WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" Dez screamed.

I can hear him coming to the front door. I see him. He sees him. Neither of us is saying a word.



"Do you guys wanna be alone?" Dez stepped in.

"Uhh yeah." Austin said.

"Cool. There's nobody in the backyard."

So Austin and I went to Dez's backyard. In Dez's backyard, there was a swing set that look broken, a kidney pool. And a shed probably filled with Dez stuff.

"Soo..what's up? Here to ask if me and Kira's relationship is alright and etc."

I tried so hard to keep my anger inside me. I mean I wanted to explode in his face.

"That's not what I am here for. I am here to see if you are okay. Austin, what's going on with you? I mean last night you were not like you usual self."

"Look I have a lot on my plate right now. I'm fine. Okay! I'm fine! So don't worry about me!"

"See there you go! This isn't you. You can tell me anything. We are best friends. Tell me what's bothering you.

"Forget it. It doesn't matter anyways. There is nothing I can do or stop it from not making it happen."

He starts walking away from me. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to let him know how I am really feeling.


I wanted him to know.

Austin comes back to me. Then all of a sudden, his lips touch mine. It felt so good. Electricity ran through my bones, my fingers, my body. Like I can control everything that surrounded all around me. It felt like I can break through these walls. The sparks were just insane.

He pulled back. "You didn't do anything wrong. My parents got divorced. That's why I been not my usual self. That's why I been angry."

I was shocked. Mr. Moon & Mrs. Moon got divorced. But they look so in love with each other. So happy.

"W-What happened? Why did they get divorced?"

"Arguments here and there until finally my father couldn't do it anymore. I tried to stop him from leaving me and my mother, but..."

I see his eyes tearing up, I feel so horrible for him. Instantly, I put both of my arms around him, hugged him so tight that I wanted him to know I am here for him. Always.

"Thanks." I didn't let go. I couldn't. I felt his pain.


"So are we good?"

"Yeah. And if you need me, call me or text me. And please go back to your mother's. She looked really upset. She misses you."



I let go of him. "See you soon." I started to walk back to my house.

Austin caught up to me. "Ally, wait. Do you wanna hang out tomorrow. I could really need it."

I smiled. "I would love too."

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