Chapter 1

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Crestfallen {Samandriel/OC}

Inspired by Tyler Johnston's gorgeous eyes and stunning acting (almost as breathtaking as Ben Wishaw's...), and this quote;

Samandriel: "I think too much heart was always Castiel's problem."

And also inspired by the song, "Set the Fire to the Third Bar" by Snow Patrol feat. Martha Wainwright. Beautiful.

A friendly warning: I'm not holding back at all. This story will be incredibly cheesy. No following the 'rules' this time.

Also, Alfie now works at a café rather than a fast food restaurant. Works better.

Chapter 1

She was there every day.

She would sit by her table at the window - table 13 - and stare out at the people passing by, drinking a hot beverage. Sometimes she'd read a book, and sometimes she would write in a small notebook - probably a diary or journal of some kind.

Through his vessel's eyes, the Angel of Imagination saw her as a beautiful young lady who was distant towards everything around her and residing solely in her own thoughts. She was a reserved soul, and appeared to be the kind of person with many thoughts; ideas and daydreams.

Given the chance, Samandriel would have loved to look inside of her thoughts, to see her imagination. To make it real. But he would never even begin to hope for that chance to come about. Those were just his values. He would never pry inside the mind of a human unless they were to give him direct permission to do so. He knew what it was like to have someone enter your mind against your will.

During the time that Samandriel had taken to encourage Alfie to allow the angel to use him as a vessel, there was always a pattern when Samandriel watched over him, studying his mannerisms to allow himself better understanding of his vessel's body, and this pattern consisted of Alfie serving the girl, each day planning to ask her to dinner, and, in turn, each day failing to do so.

Alfie nodded to himself and rubbed his hands habitually, muttering to himself. "You can do this. This time you'll talk to her." He nodded and bounced on his heels for a moment longer before he walked out from the toilets - though not before fixing his hair slightly - and grabbed his pad from the counter, walking over to where she sat, table 13 as usual.

"Hello, nice to see you here again." He greeted, catching his temporarily lost balance when her soft auburn eyes looked up at him, the same as every day. "W-What can I get for you today?" He readied his pen to write her order.

He took note of the way her eyes crinkled as she smiled, little bags under her bottom eyelashes that showed usual late nights, and he found himself wondering what she did on those late nights. Was she reading? Writing? Or was she simply dreaming; vivid imagery and stories played out in her head?

His thoughts were cut off as her voice pierced the silent yet warm air around his customer. "I'll just have a hot chocolate, please. Three sugars and no marshmallows." Her order was the same as every day, too.

Alfie waited for a moment before nodding and walking off, quickly telling a girl behind the counter the order for her table before taking off his apron, his shift finally over, and leaving the café in a rush, turning on his heel and walking away from the block, but not before glancing through the glass and taking in the girl's appearance once more, watching as she turned the page of her latest book.

He huffed and walked away, taking long, disappointed strides as he covered block after block, walking through about four before he crossed a road and came to a park. He went to the park a lot. All it had was a swing set with a single swing that he would always sit on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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