Part 5: A new freindship

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Ian's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Hey, are you the new kid? I'm Jake." I looked up and saw a young man around my age staring at me, smiling. He had a strong American accent, strong figure, blonde shoulder length hair and green eyes. "I'm raking your Ian? Nice to meet you." Jake said holding out his hand. "Likewise." I said shaking his hand back. "Sorry I wasn't here yesterday, I'm head of stables here and I needed to have a meeting." He smiled in an apologetic way. "No trouble at all, I'm glad I can meet you now." I say giving him a warm smile which he returned. For a person who has seemed to have been here quiet a while, he had really whit teeth."Are you hungry? We're getting breakfast now." I smiled. "Famished." He actually seemed quite happy with my answer. "Follow me, I'll show you were we eat." He led me to the headquarters and down another set of stairs leading down. "The main kitchen is down here." Jake said leading me into a giant kitchen, with marble walls and floor, and everything was spotless. "We don't really get "5 star food", but at least we get fed." Jake said opening the cupboard. He climbed up to the top and grabbed out a can. "The ones at the top are best, keep that in mind." He said passing one to me. "I talked to the nurse who examined you the other day, and she told me what you told her." I could feel my face getting warmer. Shit, this means he knows... That. I knew I would never really fit in. "Judging by what I've observed so far, you'd be hood working at the stables with me." I was waiting for him to make a comment about other things, but he never did. Did I for once, fit it? "That sounds great." I said as he smiled his once again, shining smile. "After we've eaten, I'll show you what to do."

Anthony's POV

For what seemed like the first time a few years, I woke up before 5:00am. I only do this when I'm stressing, angry, depressed, etc. Was it my problem with Mari I'm stressing so much about? What is her problem anyway? What did I do? I sighed, trying to fall back to sleep on my bed. After around 10 minutes I gave up and got out of bed. Since no one was probably up yet, I decided to go for a horse ride. I don't really know why, but I actually enjoy riding heaps. It also helps that I have one of the best horses in the country: Charlie. I don't know why I named him that, it kinda came to mind. I got dressed and started to walk outside. The horse stables were out the back of the garden, near the riding trail I usually go along. I opened the stables door, and found a few people working there. "Mr Padilla, would you like us to tack up Charlie?" The head stables boy asked, Jake. he was one of the only slaves I have that I can trust. "It's just the new worker, Ian, is starting today and I want to show him how to do it." For some fucked up reason, I didn't know how to respond. "Uh, the, s-sure." I stuttered. "Great, Ian!" He called and Ian walked out of the stables office. "Yes Jake?" He asked and then noticed me, which made his face fall. "I'm going to show you how to tack up Mr Padilla's horse, Charlie. Okay?" Ian nodded and Jake led him into the paddock Charlie was in.

Ian's POV

I found meeting Anthony again somewhat awkward. Yeah, I don't call him "Mr Padilla" as

everyone else addresses him. I believe he's just important as us slaves and really isn't that different. Jake led me into the paddock Anthony's horse was in. Honestly, I thought "Charlie" was better name for another animal like a guinea pig or something for instance. "Ian, so first you have to catch the horse and put the halter on. Luckily, Charlie is very well trained and will cone when someone asks him. For example, Charlie!" Jake yelled and a stunning grey horse galloped up to him. "He's beautiful." Was all I could really say. I wasn't much a horse fan, but this one was amazing. "He is, isn't he? Here try putting his halter on." Jake said passing it to me. Which I had absolutely no idea how to use. I guess he kinda thought that too. "Oh sorry, here." He put his hands on mine, guiding where to pit them. "Put this around the ears, loop that around the neck, and tie this up. Alright?" My hands were getting hotter and so was my face. "J-Jake? Do you mind if I take it from here?" Anthony suddenly pops in. "Sure sir, Ian can you fetch Charlie's tack that I showed you before and hand it to Mr Padilla? I'll be waiting in the office." Jake said and walked off. I walked back to the stables and grabbed Charlie's saddle, blanket, bridle and other bits and peices which were really heavy. I walked back to the paddock and passed Anthony his tack. As I gave it to him, I once again somehow got lost in his eyes. Why did this keep happening. He was also staring into mine, almost just as lost as me. "S-sorry." I said before quickly leaving back to the office.

Anthony's POV

Am I.... Falling for him?

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