The Savior

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Not caring that I was hurting him, I tighten my hold on Leon's neck. He chokes and gasps for air, no longer able to ask me for forgiveness or to beg for me to stop. "You are going to let him go. Take him off of that table, now."

I may not have powers that control peoples' minds but I can sure as hell cause them to die a lot faster. I will not allow my brother to take Ty away from me. He has become my whole world throughout all of the time I have spent with him. Leon chokes out some words and I loosen my grip to hear what he is trying to say. "Fine, alright fine. Just let me get into the room without being strangled all the way."

I let go of my control of him but stay on high alert in case he tries to control me again. He breaks the window of the door to the room that Ty is being held in and turn the knob, allowing me to rush into the room. I run over to the table and release Ty from the restraints that are holding him on the table. Lean removes the anesthesia that is keeping Ty unconscious and Ty starts to come back to reality. "Constance, my boss will kill me if I do this for you. I know you love him but are you really going to leave me to be killed."

I glare at him. How dare he try to guilt me when he was controlling my mind before? Besides, I was already killing him before. I should just leave him. What has he ever done for me? I consider my options and I realize that the only way I can punish him but still show him sympathy is bringing him back to the Xena headquarters and let Cain decide what to do with him. "Then come with me," I blurt out, "You can come back to the Xena headquarters. I mean you're going to get punished anyway, you're not off the hook, but you won't die."

Unless I kill you, but only if you do anything stupid. He starts to consider this option as I rush over to Ty, who's eyes are now open and he is looking very confused. "Ty? Are you okay? It's Constance, I'm here, you're safe."

Ty looks up at me and I see his eyes look around the room he is in. He scrambles back on the table when his eyes reach my brother. "No, he's okay! He's okay now," I try to calm him down. 

Leon stares at Ty in fear and I realize that Ty is staring at my brother with great intensity. He is probably speaking to him through telepathy. "Stop it! Both of you!" I scream, "Look! Leon was the one who set you free and he is either going to die at the hands of his boss or come back to the Xena headquarters to face punishment. And, by the way, he's also my brother."

I add in that last part quietly but Ty hears and stares at me in disbelief. "You're kidding right?" Ty asks.

"No, she's not!" Leon states, walking towards us. 

I glare at him, warning that I will hurt him if I have to, before asking Leon what decision he has made. 


Thirty minutes later, after getting Ty to willingly get in the car if I drove, Leon, Ty, and I were on our way back to the headquarters. The car ride was absolutely terrible. It literally could not have gone any worse. Alright, I'm exaggerating. But literally the only thing that was missing was them trying to kill each other. I went back and forth from having both of them talking into my head and then hearing nothing so I knew they were threatening each other. At one point I had to strangle both of them because of the horrible things they were saying about each other in my head. Don't worry, I didn't do it for long. It at least made them shut up in my head but I think they were still in each others. 

We finally get back to the headquarters and I rush inside without even waiting for Ty. I do really miss him but after listening to him in the car, I just want to be away from him for a while. Obviously he doesn't get that because he rushes after me, followed by Leon. I head up to Cain's office and burst in. "Okay so I'm only going to say this once before the story gets screwed up by your son," I start, "I saved Ty, he is super pissed at his captor, Leon, my brother, and I am leaving Leon's punishment up to you and the council." 

Just as I finish the explanation Ty bursts into the room and starts yelling at his dad, telling him the ways that he wants Leon punished. Leon opens the door and looks over at me before bowing to Cain. "I am so sorry sir. I will accept any punishment you choose to give me for capturing your son."

I feel my eyes widen at the sudden respect my brother has gained throughout the ride here. "Thank you, Leon. The council and I will discuss your actions throughout the next few days," Cain starts, "And Tyler! I expect the next time you get captured you say hello to your worried father before you start yelling to me about punishments!" 

I slink out of the room while Leon stands there awkwardly as Cain yells at his son. I'll catch up with Ty later, I just don't want to get involved in the family drama. I head to the garden to do some reading until Ty comes to find me. I'm glad he's safe. 

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