Will always be somewhere (somewhere) 

 Cause I swear 

 That when forever fades into a memory 

Nothing will ever take 

Take you away from me 

This promise of mine 

Is a promise in time 

 And as we are looking back 

On who we used to be 

With everything I have I swear you'll always see 

This promise of mine Is a promise in time 

 (this promise of mine) 

(this promise) 

Cause I swear 

 That when forever fades into a memory 

Nothing will ever take 

Take you away from me 

This promise of mine (this promise of mine) 

Is a promise in time 

 And as we are looking back 

On who we used to be 

With everything I have I swear you'll always see 

This promise of mine (promise of mine) 

Is a promise in time (time) 

 That when forever fades into a memory 

Nothing will ever take 

Take you away from me 

This promise of mine (this promise of mine) 

Is a promise in time (this promise)

Has anyone else seen the video for this?

The one I literally just put on here? 

Its a gay wedding, filmed to go onto YouTube.

That, right there, is hope, to me anyway.

I know way to many people who are afraid to be themselves because the others around them are judgemental assholes about certain things. So I'm going to say this, and I want you to pay attention:

You are the only person who could ever be the greatest you. 

You may think that there are people who can do anything better than you, so why would anyone else ever care about you?

The answer is that no one can be a better you than you can be. 

That's what this video shows- Love Wins. It will always win. Yes, it will take time, for some people more time than others. But I have no doubt that when you find the person you love who loves you back, it won't matter if you're right next to each other or are oceans apart. 

So this promise is for all of you.

I promise you that I am not lying when I say that you are worth anything and everything, 

I get it if you think I'm lying. I know I've thought that a lot of times- that people are lying cause they pitied me, or are always laughing whenever I'm not looking. 

I'm going to tell you that this is a lie that the demons tell you.

Don't listen to the demons. 

Listen to you. Because you are the only YOU in the entire universe. 

Your love will win. You are already loved, I'm sure of it. After all, you deserve it all. You deserve all the love in the universe, because you are an amazing person.

Always Keep Fighting, ya idgits. Because I swear that I wil do my best to make sure you don't have to. 


I wasn't lying when I said that I've been going through some stuff. We all do. Sometimes it's less severe, other times more so. 

But that's not the point of this Author's Note.

The point of this is two reasons:

One, on my YouTube Channel, I have made a playlist of all these videos in this book. So if you want to hear them, they're there under 'Musical Hope.'

The second reason is to let you know that I am here. I mean it when I say that I want to help you as much as I can. 

Knowing what it's like to deal with this sort of crap, I want you guys to know that I am here if you need me to be.

Feel free to message me if you want to talk, or need to know that you're awesome, or just need to have a line to stay open. 

In the words of the Doctor, I'm a carer. And I do care, a hell of a lot. So please, please, please let me know if you need me because I will be there. 

Also If you're asking about time zones- number one I get like four hours of sleep so I'm usually awake, number two please don't forget about the fact that this book is here. 

I need you idgits to be here. I WANT you to be happy, here. So let me know if you need something, okay?

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