History Maker

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So thank you GeminiHarrison and Gabriels_Wings for getting me obsessed with Yuri!!! On Ice.

If you haven't seen it, go to KissAnime and type it in. Watch it. It comes highly recommended plus gay shipsssssss.

Anyway, the song is written by Dean Fujioka. And is officially one of my favorites. 

Speaking of this, and Yuri, Gabriels_Wings did an absolutely brilliant thing. She replaced the main line of the song- "We were born to make history"- with the line "We were born to ship Victuuri." That's the ship's name. And is perfect. She is freaking awesome. 

Enjoy, ya idgits!

  Can you hear my heartbeat?
Tired of feeling never enough
I close my eyes and tell myself
That my dreams will come true

There'll be no more darkness
When you believe in yourself you are unstoppable
Where your destiny lies, dancing on the blades
You set my heart on fire

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth
We were born to make history
We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around
Yes, we were born to make history

Born to make history
Bo-bo-born to make history

Can you hear my heartbeat?
I've got a feeling it's never too late
I close my eyes and see myself
How my dreams will come true

We were born to make history
We were born to make history
Yes, we were born to make history  

This song is so hopeful, I can barely even begin to describe it. 

It, to me at least, tells us that we can do anything, that we are here to change the world for the better. It says that you may be hurt, you may be broken, but if you keep fighting then it will be okay.

It tells me that one day we all can be happy, maybe even be with the friends we have made here.  We can be successful, happy, and alive while shipping everything there is to ship because we're fangirls & fanboys and that's what fangirls & fanboys do. When we're not making references, that is.

But the point is that maybe, just maybe, we are here for a reason. Maybe we're not just random works in the universe. Maybe we are something more. And hell, I'd personally love to see you guys make history.

So go kick it in the ass, people. You've got this.


I wanna point out that I am super tired and it's super early.

-_-  Why school. Why must you torture me so.

But anyway, I hope all of you have a good Friday! (Or Saturday if you're a day ahead of me...)

The point is you all deserve an awesome day so have fun guys!

Musical HopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz