Part Six

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"And that's why I'm here now," Emma said. She had just explained everything that had happened with Killian and Neal to Elsa. "I didn't know where else to go and I needed someone to talk to about this. Killian would only follow me back to his house and we were at the docks when this happened."

"It's okay, Emma," Elsa said, rubbing her friend's arm. "I understand."

"Good! So tell me what to do!"

"I... Don't know. I've never had a guy fight for my attention before."

"I just wish I knew, you know?"

Elsa laughed, "I think you need to talk to them about this."

"But what if neither of them like me and those kisses were just in the moment things? I wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment."

"Would you rather be lost in your confusion or would you want to express your concerns for an answer? You must think, Emma."

"I want both?" Emma sighed and buried her head in her hands. "I want to stay in confusion because then I can't fuck anything up. But, I also want an answer because you and I both know that I can't handle secrets."

Elsa laughed, "you said that Killian was going to tell you in two weeks, right?"

"Yeah..." Emma trailed off, biting her nails.

"Then you just have to keep your emotions bottled up until then. See what they have been hiding from you and if it's worth it, then tell him your feelings for him." Outside, there was the sound of a car door slamming forcibly outside. Elsa looked out the window and gasped. "Hide! Killian's coming!" Emma got up off the couch and ran up the stairs, but stayed out of sight, but close enough so she could still hear what Elsa and Killian were saying.

"Is Emma here? I really need to talk to her," Killian said, walking into the house.

"Come right on in, Killian," Elsa said sarcastically. "I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. It's always a pleasure to see you too."

"Is Emma here?" He repeated, staring at Elsa.

"No. Why do you need to see her?"

"I fucked up. I really did. I kissed her. And it wasn't just a simple kiss either. I made out with her and I liked it. I like her. I really do. I want to start a relationship with her but that bloody bastard Neal is in the way. We made an agreement that we would show her how much we liked her but we weren't allowed to tell her. The first time I kissed her was at the top of the Ferris wheel at the carnival. She avoided me for the rest of the week. I don't want her to avoid me again. The first day we started this, we were all eating breakfast together and Neal kicked me under the table because I was looking at her."

Elsa bounced nervously on the balls of her feet, "forget this stupid deal, Jones, and tell her how you feel."

"I need to show Neal that Emma would choose me. I can't lose this. You are her best friend. What should I do to show her how much I like her? What would be the best way to show that I like her without scaring her off."

"I don't know, Killian, but something just tells me that she already knows."

"If you see her, tell her that I need to talk to her."

"Of course."

"Thank you, love." He smiled then left the house.

"I need to talk to them both," Emma said, coming down the stairs. "I can't believe that the two of them are doing something like this."

"Guys will do whatever it takes when they are desperate."

Emma nodded and slipped on her sweat shirt. "It was nice seeing you, Elsa. Thanks for the help." She hugged her friend then went out the door.

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