02| Trust Me

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Lana's Outfit at the bottom of the chapter

Jacob scrolls away on his phone as i watch carefully. ever snap out of a daydream only to realize your staring at someone. And then you hope they didn't notice you looking all creepy at them.

I find myself doing that a lot.

he looks up at me and turns his phone to face me.

something about a party going on in the city.

"Wanna go?" he asks with a smile.

He knows i could never pass up a trip to the city. i love the city. so many different people who don't care what people think of them. I wish we could incorporate some of there self confidence into our town.

But alas we will probably never be as accepting as the City goers.

I nod with a smile as he stands up.

"Ill tell Mia and the boys." He smiles and i hold out my hand stopping him.

"How about we just go together?" I ask with a sweet smile i know he cant say no to.

"Well Ken sent me the link so im sure hes going. But i guess if you want it can just be you and me. sure you dont want me to message Mia?" he questions. 

I do a double take in my head and nod.

"Im sure"


An hour and thirty minutes later

"No human being should have this many shoes Lana."

I sent Jacob in to get me my strappy black heels and he has been in my closet for 20 minutes rummaging through my shoes. Even when i continue to tell him there on the top shelf.

"Nevermind Jacob come in here and zip me up!" I shout through the room with a laugh. He just huffs walking out of the closet.

"You do understand that your closet is bigger then my room right?"

"If you want you can live in my closet. But not until you have the capability of finding my strappy heels"

He just shakes his head a i turn around. Tingles move up my spin as his hand touches my back while moving my hair from the zipper and to my shoulder.

"Want to tell me why you dont want to invite Mia now?" He questions. And i can feel his breath on my spine.

"Me and you just havent had a night to ourselves in a while. I want a night with my best friend." I speak with a smile, as his finger trace up my spine as the little zip of the zipper fings in my ears.

Once hes done i turn around and he looks me up and down.


"Amazing. Now go get your own damn shoes before i leave without you."

I grab his hand and pull him into my closet pointing up to the top shelf where sits a pair of black strappy heels that this idiot skipped over multiple times. I look up at him with a smug look as he shakes his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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