The New Mermaids

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Chapter 2

The next day Nikki woke up and got ready for school.

"Omg what am I going to say! What am I going to do!"

"Honey you will be fine."

"NO I WILL NOT!" I said.

"It's just the first day of school."

I don't know if they will like me or make fun of me. What if I fall right on my face. Will they help me or will they laugh at me?

As I am walking to school I am stopped by this girl.

"Hey." I said shyly.

"Hi I'm Emma."

"Do you want to umm sit by me at lunch or something." I said.

"Yeah! Cool! What's your name?" Emma asked.


"Well hello Nikki!"

"What classes do you take?" Nikki asked.

"The usual. I'm not advanced."

"Me too!" Nikki said.

As they got to the school Nikki went to the principal's office. He told her where to go.

When they reached the Science lab Nikki opens the door and everyone goes quiet. Some people just stared at me and others just started talking again.

"Class this is our new student Nikki Hatton." Said Mrs. Moore.

I just gave a brief wave and sat down in an empty seat.

"Hey! You! Nikki!" Someone said.


"Hi I'm Macy."

"Hi Macy." I said.

"Do you know Emma?" Macy asked.

"Yes. We talked right before school started."


"Macy, is Mrs. Moore always like this?"

"Yeah my sister said she was horrible."

Ding Dong Ding Dong

"Next class now! I hope you all behave!" Said Mrs Moore.

During lunch time Nikki found Emma and she was sitting with Macy.

"Hey guys."

"Sup" They both said together.

"Jinks, double jinks. Hahaha said Emma I win! You owe me a soda!"

After they finished school that day they all walked home together, but instead they went on Macy's boat and drove to Maco Island.

"Where here!" Macy said.

While they were out exploring they found a cave around nightfall. It was like it was telling us to go in the cave. So we went in, and we saw a pool.

"How are we going to get out?" I asked petrified.

"I will go." Emma said.

While Emma jumped into the pool she saw a opening in the bottom.

"Come on guys there is an opening."

"Umm I don't like swimming!" Macy replied stepping back.

All of a sudden the pool started bubbling, and there was a full moon in the hole at the top of the cave. Nikki said,"Come on Macy lets just go in for a bit. It won't hurt."

When they all jumped in the pool it started to make them all get dizzy. After the full moon passed the hole the pool stopped bubbling.

"What happened?" Said Nikki.

"I don't know but let's go."

They all got back to there house safely and went to bed. When Nikki woke up she went to the bathroom to take a bath. When Nikki jumped in the bath, after ten seconds she got a tale.

"No! No! No! No! No!"

Nikki dried off and was back to normal. She got dressed and she was off. Nikki rushed to catch up with Emma and Macy.

"EMMA! MACY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"What happened to you?" They asked together.

"You don't know!"

"What." Emma said.

"Yesterday at Maco Island! We turned into FREAKING MERMAIDS!"

"WHAT HOW!" Macy yelled.

"The bubbling water, full moon, we were in it!" I said.

"Wait slow down. How do we get tails." Emma said.

"After touching the water!"

"Now I have to quit the swim team!" Emma said.

"Meet me at my place after school!"

School felt like hours today. Maybe because I wanted to test out my tail or look at it. I might sound like a freak but I don't care.

We all walked to my house afterward to talk about it.

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