Road trip #3

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"Wake up! I'm bored!" Alex said, slapping you lightly on the shoulder. You untangled yourself from the seatbelt strap, sitting upright. Your eyes adjusted on the road and you moaned, how long did you sleep for? "You only slept for 20 minutes, we didn't get far." Alex was now looking at you and laughing, you must've looked pretty rough.

It was your second day on the road, and by now this whole 'road trip' thing didn't sound much fun anymore. You stretched your arms a little bit, turning on the radio. "How far are we now?" You asked. Alex thought a little and answered, "Maybe 8 more hours?" Oh god, this really wasn't as fun as you thought.

"Well we can stop soon, I'll drive while you sleep a little." Alex looked at you and shook his head.

"Nope, it's pretty late already, next exit I'm getting off and we're a good nights rest." He grabbed your hand and held it the whole way to the hotel. You were actually pretty glad you could sleep, in a normal bed, for more than 30 minutes at a time, with your boyfriend.

You and Alex were heading back to Miami after a little vacation up north. But whosever idea it was to drive, was crazy. You hadn't slept in what seemed like forever.

Eventually, you made it to a hotel. It felt like you could barely move to get out of the car. You grabbed one of your bags and went in. After Alex checked in you headed straight to the room. You plopped right on the bed, Alex not far behind. He pulled you close to him and hugged you tightly.

"Even though this whole driving thing was crazy, I still had a great time (Y/N)" you nodded, turning around and kissing him. He kissed you back, holding you right to him. This was the most comfortable place you could be, in Alex's arms. You layer there for a while, just cuddling.

Soon, Alex's breaths became deeper and less, meaning he was asleep. You fell asleep not long after, you each still in your clothes from the day. You both woke up in the same spot, feeling more refreshed and yearning to finally go home.

****super short I'm sorry!:(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2014 ⏰

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