Chapter 7

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Just as a warning, I'm going to use my own language, Danish, as the main language of Drakonia. I thought it would be fun. If you find it annoying, I can always change it!!! Sorry, so sorry, to do this first. Thank you!!

Arthurs mind was racing miles by the minute. He was kind of getting the feeling the Merlin and Prince Mathew was related, but he wasn't sure. The fact that Merlin went missing at the same time as Mathew came to Camelot was too much of a coincidence for him to ignore. Yet the fact that Hunith reacted the way she did when she found out, and when she saw Mathew. He sitting in his chambers with his head in his hands, as Lancelot walked in, panting slightly. Arthur looked up slightly annoyed.


"It's Gwaine sire! He has returned!!"

On that note, they both ran out the door.


Gwaine smirked as he walked into the courtyard, still thinking about what happened in the forest, even if it wasn't how he expected it to happen. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice that Lancelot, Mordred, Percival and Arthur almost barrelled into him when they came towards him. He had already decided to lie though, as they could threaten Merlina.

"SIR GWAINE!" Arthur yelled. "Where in the world have you been?!"

"No idea."

"What happened to you?!" Lancelot shouted.

"I got attacked by the dragon. This woman by a lake saved me. She made sure the dragon could not hurt me."

"Why are you not dead?! We saw what happened to the chainmail!" Mordred said, completely shell-shocked.

"I got saved. Otherwise, I have no idea. I only remember a big lake, a woman singing, her saving me, and being followed home by her."

"Are you alright?" Percival asked almost calmly, very worried though.

"Yes, surprisingly so."

They all smiled at this, and took him to Gaius.

After Gaius had ushered the others out so he could have space, he raised an accusing eyebrow at Gwaine. He had already checked over his wounds, deciding that there would only be the present scar from it.


"Yes Gaius?" Gwaine asked innocently smiling.

"You met Merlina out there didn't you?" his smile fell. "Don't worry. I was the first to know. I ask, as the only thing that can heal that deep a wound to this perfection, is a Dragons Breath."

Gwaine sighed in relief, about to answer as Percival came in. As Gaius told of the little damage done, Percival rushed over, and gave Gwaine a hug, leaving silently. Lancelot came in a few minutes later, after Percival left. He had the chainmail with him. They looked weirdly at him.

"Elyan repaired it, so don't look at me like that. Also, I want to know what is going on. And yes, I know about her."

"Gwaine got saved by her. That is all we know." Gaius said.

"And Gwaine? Do you know about her, or are you as oblivious as Arthur?"

"Of course I know!" Gwaine laughed. "I even know where she is!"

"Which is where?" Lady Morganas voice came from the door, and she smirked when they looked at her, shocked.


Princess Merlinaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें