it's always been you | Kang Hyunmin pt.1

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Type: Two Part Series
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Pronouns: She/Her
Perspective: Second Person

Summary: Takes place in episode nine, I think ? Where Hyeji asks Jiwoon out. You are an idol and the leader of a seven member girl group, and your adoptive parents own a company as successful as the Kang's. You and your biological father weren't in good terms and your adoptive parents were their friends. You would go anywhere and everywhere with your adoptive parents and that's how you and Hyunmin became friends. When you were six, you had a fight with your dad and begged you godparents to adopt you since they couldn't bear a child. Also, disregard the part of the plot where Hyeji grew up with Hyunmin, lets just assume that they met at around thirteen and she's never met you before because Hyunmin likes spending time with you alone. Happy Reading.

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Cinderella & Four Knights

         "Will you accept me ?" Hyeji asked. Before another word could be uttered, Hyunmin's phone rang. With a short glance at the caller ID, he instantly answered, clearly forgetting the scene unfolding in front of him. "Hyunmin, I can't find Y/N. She left the dorm really upset and I don't know what to do. Please, please help me." Your friend struggled to talk as tears cascaded down her face and sobs erupted from her. "When did she leave? What happened?" He asked urgently, making his way back to his room to look for his car keys, not even bothering to change. Hyeji and Jiwoon, curiously stared at the anxious state Hyunmin was in. "She left about three hours ago. Our Manager and the other members have been looking for her but she's nowhere to be found. Please help her Hyunmin, I know she's strong, but we both know a person can only tolerate so much before breaking , you know that more than anyone else. If she gets too overwhelmed with her feelings, she might lose it." She sobbed helplessly. "I will. I'll call you as soon as I find her." He says shuffling away from the couple.

Hyeji was about to ask him where he was going when he abruptly stops, stunned at the sight of you walking towards them in the courtyard. A faint presence of dried tears and a blank expression plastered on your face. "She's here. I'll call you when she's calmed down." Hyunmin says on the phone. "Thank you Hyunmin." He ended the call and ran towards you, checking for any bruises or injuries. When he was sure that you were unscathed, he enveloped you in his arms, still shaking from fear. Worried for the well being of his best friend.

"Why did you leave home? What happened?" His voice was gentle, though the sence of urgency was present, it was imperceptible. "I broke up with Hangyeol." You stutter and he hugs you even tighter. "Shh. Stop crying, okay? Stop crying. If you keep crying like this, it won't be  good for you. Okay?" Hyunmin tries to calm you. "I can't. It hurts so much, I can't even explain how I feel anymore." You say and Hyunmin holds you at arms length to look at you in the eyes. "I know it hurts, I can see that, but can't you also see how much it's been killing me seeing you this way? The worst heartbreak I ever had to experience wasn't you rejecting me, it was you crying to me because of someone else. I would've never done anything to hurt you this way, I tried so hard Y/N, so damn hard to protect you from ever getting hurt. I wanted to be with you so desperately that I even settled with just being your best friend, your shoulder to cry and lean on, to be the one you rely on. So I'm going to ask you this for the last time, and I promise you, it's going to be the last. I promise to never hurt you, to always be by your side, to never give up on you and to understand you even at times where it's impossible to. I promise you'll never have to cry alone again. Your tears will be mine, your smiles and your problems, will be mine too. I am begging you, give me the chance to do that, because quite honestly, I am in love with you, I have been since we were five, I have always loved you." Hyunmin finally let the tears fall halfway through his confession.

"You don't get it do you?" You ask. "I'm not crying because of some stupid break up; Hangyeol and I broke up months ago. I'm crying because every time I break up with someone, it gets harder for me to ignore what I feel for you. So much that I always find myself walking around aimlessly, only to end up where you are. It's frustrating." You let out an exasperated sigh. "You don't know all the things I desperately wanted to tell you. 'I never want you to leave my side. I'm never going to last a day without you, I missed you, I love you;' all those I wanted to say but couldn't." You continued.  "I can deal with you dating around, I can deal with all the bullshit in my life. But what I can't deal with... is having to break up with you." You confessed. 

"What?" He asks in disbelief. "I'm scared. I'm so scared that someday you'll wake up and decide I'm not worth it after all. I'm scared of having to lose you or let go of your hand. So I try my best. I try as hard as I can to keep what we have because it's the only love I've ever seen that's last so far. But Hyunmin, it's you; it's always been you." You tremble. "I will never leave you. You don't have to ever worry about that." He says, softly pressing his lips on yours. "I'm never going to let you go." He whispers holding you. You can't seem to shake off the dizziness and the drumming of your chest, making it hard to breathe. Hyunmin notices and quickly sweeps you off your feet. "I think you should lie down." You nod, resting your head on his chest. He hurriedly walks back to his room where Hyeji and Jiwoon stood, still trying to let the event that unfolded in front of them sink in. "Move." Hyunmin spat. "I said move." He shoves past Jiwoon and Hyeji. Hyunmin gently places you down on his bed and strokes your hair before going under the covers and cuddling you. "I love you, my Y/N."

Thanks for reading my lovelies, lovelots....

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