Chapter 1

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It was Saturday and rose was lying on her bed. Staring at the ceiling. She was really bored. She wanted to get up and do something productive but instead she was doing nothing. She kept on checking her Instagram after every 2 minutes. Her friends were all out with their boyfriends. They invited her but she rejected because she felt left out whenever their bf's were around. She was single. She had been single for over an year. After her previous relationship she gave up on Love. She thought love was not for her. She was heartbroken.
Finally when she got bored of lying as well. She got up and looked outside her window. She had to admit it was a lovely day.

Rose's Pov:
Hmmm the weather's quite nice today. How about I take a walk and grab a coffee. It's probably a lot better than lying her and doing nothing.
I go to my wardrobe and pick out a nice white top and dark blue skinny jeans. I tied my brown hair into a high ponytail and did a bit of makeup. I wore my pink vans, grabbed my bag, my phone and some money . oh and my camera as well. I can never go out without my camera. I love photography. I love to capture the special moments.
I looked myself in the mirror once again and went downstairs to go.

"MUM!!!!", I shouted.

"What is it?", she answered for the kitchen.

"Mum, I'm going out for some fresh air and also coffee", I told her.

"Okay but don't be home late", she said.

"Okay. Bye", I said and left the house.

As I started walking I felt the cool breeze in the sunny weather blow. It was wonderful. The summer weather in London is amazing. We Londoners anxiously wait for it after months of snow.
After some time I went to a park which came in my way. It was green and beautiful. I saw little kittens running around. I'm obsessed with cats. I took a picture of them and then I saw an old couple sitting at the bench under a tree. I went to them and said,"hello sir and ma'am."

They greeted me with a hello as well.
"Um I'm so sorry to intrude but i saw you from there and you both looked so lovely. I'm a photographer and I would love to photograph you." I said.

"Sure", the man said with a smile.

I told them to smile and took the picture, "beautiful!."

Then I showed them the picture. They loved it. "My names rose btw." I said .

"I'm Emma and this is my husband harry," said the woman.

"How long have you been married?", I asked.

"For more than 50'years and this is the where we first me," the woman says and looks at her husband with love.

I look at them and say awww. But it reminds me of my time with Matt. I thought he was my forever but I guess...not. I snap back to my senses and smile at them.

Then they gave me their email address so that I can mail them the picture. "It was really nice meeting two.", I said .

"Same here child. You're a lovely girl." They both said.

I said goodbye and carried on my walk. On the way I took photographs of lights, cars, houses,flowers and all the aesthetically beautiful things around.

After about 15 minutes I reached Starbucks. I ordered my usual caramel latte with two extra shots and a slice of double chocolate cake. I was going through the pictures I took while waiting for my order. The barista called my name I thanked him. Took my coffee cup and a bag containing the cake and went to sit on the chairs outside Starbucks. As I opened the door someone bumped into me so hard that I lost my balance and fell. I could feel the burning coffee on my chest. I looked around for my camera but thankfully it was alright. Only my coffee spilled on me. I looked up and saw a guy standing in front of me in horror. I was a little embarrassed because people were looking at me. The guy who I bumped into helped me get up.

"I am so sorry. I was running and I didn't see you come. I feel so bad. I'm so sorry.", he kept on apologizing.

I looked at him, he looked familiar as if I had seen him somewhere. He had brown curly hair, and brown eyes. He was taller than me. Wearing a black hoodie and shorts and trainers. Probably coming from the gym.

I said, "it's fine." I couldn't say anything else. I didn't want to start a scene. But the guy knew I was hurt from the coffee on my shirt. He picked up my things and took me to a chair to sit. I sat there completely silent. He went inside and got an ice bag for me. I put the ice on my stomach. He then gave me his hoodie to cover up my stained shirt. That hoodie was a little sweaty but smelled really nice. And he continuously kept on apologizing.
I kept the ice bag until the burning stopped. The guy was sitting right in front of me. I could tell he was really sorry.

I smiled at him and said,"I don't know if I should thank you or be angry at you now."

He said, " you should be angry. You have every right to. I'm very sorry. I'm such an idiot."

I said while laughing," haha no it's fine dude. Things like this happen. it's life."

He smiled and said," but I will buy you another coffee okay ?"

"Hmmm okay. I would love a grande sized caramel latte with two extra shots."

"Sure. I'll be right back."

After sometime he came back with two cups of coffee.

"Here you go love, hope you can forgive me." He said.

"I forgave you before you asked to buy coffee for me."

"You're too sweet. I was actually expecting that you will start a fight", he told me laughing.

"Noooo I don't do that. I'm not the fighting type. Plus I didn't want to create a scene"

He sighed and smiled in relief and asked," what's your name?"

"Rose, Rose smith. And you are?"

He looked at me with a weird grin on his face and said," I'm Tom, Tom Holland."

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