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Walking along in the streets of Academy City, a spiky hair guy named Kamijou Touma was looking down in the floor like as if he was a guy who's problematic with family financial.

He kicked a little pebble of stone and it flew away from him. Then he sighed.

"It's been 3 months since Mikoto died, and I don't really see Shirai and her friends since then." He looked up in the sky. " Mikoto, I hope you're okay there together with our child. I tried to kill myself that time when you died but, everyone is stopping me, Because what they said was, I am the only memory that you left for them."

He continued to walk looking at one place. The ground.

A lot of happenings happened when Mikoto left, but what surprise him the most was, there's nothing misfortunate happened to him. But maybe it'll be back soon, because it's been 3 months since then.


Touma looked at the person who called him. It was the girl that he helped last time and went to Seventh Smith to buy gekota pajamas.

"Oh, hi there girly, what's up?" He said.

"The sky?"

Touma giggled, "What I meant was how are you?"

"Ohhhh" the girl reacted. "Well I'm just going to say thanks to you for helping me the other day. So thank you Onii-chan!"

Touma pat her head," You're welcome."

The girl smiled then ran away to the store nearby.

He continued to walk step by step, thinking what he's gonna do with his life.

Then not really so far from where he was there was the tree where Mikoto first saw her own clone, Mikoto had told him about something like that but she didn't mention the "clone" word.

He walked to it and looked up to its head while the sun rays touching his cheeks and dark blue eyes. Then...

"Kamijou-san!" ??

"Wahh!!" Touma was shocked about it and looked at the person who hugged him from the back.

"The girl that kept on calling me as if we know each other!"

"Hey!" she has blonde hair.

"I have a name you know! We have known each other for 2 years!"has starry eyes.

"Huh?" Touma backed out.

"My name is Shokuhou Misaki!" she sighed. "I shouldn't have erased your memories."


"Yep. But I have something to tell you."


"Ever since I met you, I fell for you that time, the reason I erased your memory was because I loved you, Touma."

Touma was shocked though it left him for a while as he saw someone very familiar.


He spoke out the girl's name as he saw someone that caught his eyes too. There was a little girl around 7 years old following Spectre.

"Hey, Kamijou-san!" Misaki called out. "Don't just look at someone with a child like that."

"Shhh! Quiet..."

"Mitouru! Come here now! You'll be left behind!" Spectre said while waiting in the bus stop.

"Yes, Spectre!" Mitouru said.

Mitouru has dark brown with a mix of black hair, dark blue eyes and has the nose and the face of Mikoto.

Touma shook his head that it's just his imagination since Mikoto is already dead. And same goes for their child.

Misaki then tilt her head.

"Please, just stay away from me." He told Misaki.

Misaki was speechless. And didn't say a word. As Touma looked at the bus that had left where Spectre and that child Mitouru was.

The two were like a couple under the shade of the tree but then Misaki started to walk away without saying anything.

Touma sighed and looked at his surroundings and started to walk again all the way to his dorm.

"Uhh, Hello? Mitsuki, yes... please... I'll be back to the dorm later... see ya... yeah, same here..." ??

'That's a familiar voice!' Touma glanced at the girl who talk to the phone just now. His eyes searched around the place as he spotted someone with chestnut brown hair though...

Her hair was long, it was until her waist, she looks taller and from afar and her chest looks bigger. She was wearing yellow long sleeve and was bringing a stripped red bag.

Touma tried to chase after her but because of many students around he lost a sight of her.

"There's no way..." he said muttering to his self.

"Is that you?....Mikoto? "


"Hi Guys! Sorry for the late update of the Epilogue, It's just that Misaka has been busy with school late. So Misaka hope that you like it and yeah, Misaka have decided already another book for this series and another book which has another story too. Misaka would like to thank you all for supporting her on writing this story, so thank you everyone \0/. Misaka will go now! see ya in the next book!"


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