You and Me part 1

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Time skip


'In Academy City there are 2.3 million people , 80% of it are student and one of the 80% student is me Mikoto Misaka, one of the Level 5's and I'm rank 3rd........

Here I am walking along the street don't know what to is Saturday ....I've nothing to do but go to the convenience store and read the latest mangas or go to the arcade and play...but now I am in the park sitting down in a bench seat.... In every inhale I take my exhale is like a heavy sigh...its like I've been carrying a heavy house in by back for the whole time....what will do for today ...its to boring....but suddenly a bunch of children came and stand in from of me.....'

"Onee-chan, you look bored. Do you want to play with us?" The little girl said.

"Hmmm... Okay." Mikoto said. 'No other choice but to play with them....and also I'm pretty bored here.'

"Yehey!!!!!" All of them cheered.

"Hehehehehehe what do you want to play?" Mikoto ask.

"Let's about 'Green light,Red light?" The girl said.

"Sounds great." Mikoto said." So who will be the 'it'?"

"Of course you Onee-chan!!!!" They all exclaimed.

"Wha-!!!!...'sigh' Okay fine." Mikoto said as she control her reaction.

"Green light, Red light!!" Mikoto said as she glared to the kids. "Where will begin?....Got you! Your hand is shaking!!!"

"Oh men..." The little boy said.

"Wait,wait! Onii-chan will play with us too." The little girl said as she grab the guy.

"Calm down...we'll be tripped if you run-!!! Wait!!" The guy said.

Then Mikoto also catch the tripped little girl from falling in the ground. She also bumped her face into something soft when she already catch the little girl.

'Uwaaa!!!~ the checks of the little girl is so soft!!!!~' Mikoto thought.

But then she realize something's wrong ... She then struggled as she stands up.

"Uwaaaaaaa!!!!! Why are you here?!!!??" Mikoto screamed as she blush. She thought the soft thing was the cheeks of the little girl, instead it was the lips of Touma, the guy who endures the rare ability, the 'Imagine Breaker'

"Hmm?? Biri-biri?....!!!!!!" He too realize what happen then. "Calm down it is just an accident!! Please don't zap me there are a bunch of children around you!!!" He said as he raise his hand as ready signal if Mikoto will zap him.

"I will let you just past now!!! If that happens again I'm gonna kill you!" She then scream.

'M-my first kiss!!!!' She shouted inside her head. 'Just like that?! My first kiss was stolen just like that?!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!'

"Owie~" the little girl said.

"Oh my Gad! Are you okay little girl?" said Touma.

"Yes!" the little girl said cheerfully.

'Well that was quick' thought Touma.

When the both of them got up a boy run to Mikoto saying "Onee-chan let's play already!!!"

"Um...s-sure! ahahahaha!!" Mikoto faked laugh."So what's the game?"

"How about *shiritori?"the other girl volunteer.

(by the way there are 5 children with Touma and Mikoto)

"Sure why not so let's start with the *shiritori's  'ri'...'kay?" Misaka said.

"Okay!!" everyone said including Touma.

"Me first...'Riku'  (Land)." Misaka said.

"'Umi' (Ocean)" the other little girl said.

"'Mizubune'  (Water tank)" the boy next to the girl said.

"'Netsudo' (Temperature)" the other boy said.

"'Douten' !!!(Cloudy weather)" the little girl said cheerfully.

Then the games continued.... I mean the story continued (Teehee!)


"Hi guys!!...Misaka is really sorry for the late update and small chapter...but don't worry Misaka will update the next chapter..the part 2 of "You and me"..!!!!" says Misaka cheerfully.

"Meet you in the next chappy!!!!"

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