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As Mikoto fell unconscious, Touma's jaw dropped, sweat going down to his chin. His eyes seems to be in horror. Those dark blue eyes lost its colors because of what he have seen.

"M-Mikoto...." he trembled in fear as he looked at Mikoto's unconscious body.

"W-why is this happening ? N-no she isn't d-dead , right?" He attempted to step forward to Mikoto.

"How?" Accelerator suddenly commented.

Touma looked at Accelerator. Then  glared at him evilly.

"You..." Touma said gritting his teeth.

"How did my plasma suddenly went disappeared after I had my final blow at clone? It disappeared when you stepped in front of her." He narrowed his eyes at Touma as if he's reading or feeling his ability.

But he didn't feel anything. Touma clenched his fist more tighter. He wanted to punch him now, as in now directly but he's afraid he can't he might die since Accelerator is a level 5 but he'll do anything to revenge Mikoto.

" You're not an AIM Diffusion field user also ,because if you do ... I can sense it." He said angrily. "Well that doesn't matter. I'm going to kill you like her.... and why did you call the clone Mikoto? "

Touma jerked a little remembering the girl's words saying that Mikoto just pretended to be a clone to face he problem.

"It's because she really resembles my girlfriend!! And I won't let you kill her!! "

Touma shouted before charging at the albino, who simply smirked before kicking the ground. "Too slow!" Sending the level 0 tumbling and skidding across the gravel with rocks pelting him. Accelerator was unimpressed, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he walked toward the railway.

"You're way too slow." Kicking the side of the rails as he continued, making it stand up in front of him. "You'll be a hundred years too late with that speed." He chuckled as he tapped the perfectly straight rail in the air, causing it to distort it's original shape and look like some child's bendy straw. Not only that, it sent it in pieces, flying at Touma and causing him to suffer an impact to his side, the red on his shirt indicating that it let some blood out as well. Accelerator let out another chuckle, this was fun when it wasn't some girl he'd already killed so many times over.

Next up he had knocked over the shipping containers near them, causing the flour that was packed in one of them to explode and fill the air with dust. Accelerator found his interest flagging, for some reason, killing just hadn't been as much fun recently. That thought to be dead conscience kept bothering him. But after a slight sigh, he smirked, no time to think of it that way. This was fun! He walked on top of the fallen container with a sneer.

"Don't tell me that you have no ability. After all your talk earlier, I figured you must have some sort of amazing power. But it just looks like you're a nosy idiot. The lowest of the low." With that, Accelerator made an expression of disgust. 'I don't like him.' He thought to himself at this idiot. He wasn't quite like the thugs who dared approach him on the street.

"Tch! Don't you understand that you're the weakest? If you really want to die, I can turn you into a work of art. Looks like there is flour in these shipping containers. The weather is nice and calm tonight... isn't it?" He asked in a smug tone of malicious intent. "This could be quite dangerous. Hey, trash, ever heard of dust explosions?" With that, the level 5 esper kicked a shipping container, sending it into the air, watching as it impacted another, the metal screeching against metal caused numerous sparks to emit, lighting the flour on fire, causing an instant explosion that sent Touma flying across the ground.

Out of the flaming mess, Accelerator emerged to look down at the male trying to get up. "Damn, I thought I was going to die. Not having oxygen would kill me too. I guess saying I could take on a nuke is out of the question now... So, do you still want to fight?" Accelerator asked with a deadly smirk across his face, a tiny part of him hoped that he would quit now, but the mass majority wanted to slaughter this trash right now.

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