1. Meeting New People

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(Your outfit except it's a Slytherin tie and no headband.)

(Your POV)
I'm Y/N Potter, Harry Potter and Hermione's daughter, before my dad married Ginny Weasley of course. I'm 18 and I have two brothers and a sister. I'm also in the Slytherin house with my brother James. I am currently putting on my school uniform which is a white, button-up, long-sleeved shirt, a Slytherin tie, a black sweater, a skirt and tights with some flats. I put my shoulder bag over my head and went out of my dorm room and went downstairs to meet my brother. "Morning James," I said and he smiled. "Morning Y/N. Ready for our first official day of school?" James said and I nodded. "Of course! I'm just happy McGonagall and the others are there, it's a shame that Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape couldn't be here. Father always talked highly of them," I said and he nodded. "Don't forget Tonks and Lupin, he was a werewolf too, I wonder if his son is a werewolf as well," James said and I nodded. "Teddy? I dunno, maybe he is, Lily hangs out with him, I'll hang out with him more often, I miss him," I said and James patted my back once. "I will too, now c'mon we've to go before we're late!" James said and I nodded and went to the great hall where the feasts are held. "We have two excellent students representing the Slytherin household: Y/N and James Potter," Professor McGonagall's voice was amplified with her wand. Professor McGonagall is the Headmaster of Hogwarts as well. "Now for Hufflepuff's excellent student: Lorcan Lovegood!" McGonagall continued and everyone clapped as they did for us. "Silence, students. Ravenclaw: Lysander Lovegood," McGonagall continued yet again and again everyone clapped. "Now for Gryffindor: Edward Lupin, L-Lily and A-Albus Potter," McGonagall said and stuttered at my brother and sister's names. She's reminded of Headmaster Dumbledore and grandma Lily on Father's side. But it's even sadder knowing Teddy didn't ever meet his real parents, Father and Mother took care of him and he grew up knowing we weren't his real siblings, but we all treat him like one. "Now, we have a new assistant professor who will be helping me and she will also teach two classes: Potions Master, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Let's give Professor Lauren Jauregui a welcome," McGonagall said but I didn't look at the professor because I could care less.
We were served food and had then gone to go to our classes, I wasn't paying attention and bumped into a girl. "Shit, sorry, I wasn't paying attention totally my fault," I said and picked up her books for her. "Thanks, and it's okay, don't worry about it," the Green Eyed beauty said. "Here," I said and handed her her books. "Thanks," She softly said. "Y/N Potter," I said and stuck my hand out. "Lauren, nice to meet you Y/N," She introduced herself and shook my hand. "Likewise Lauren," I said and she smiled. "I've got to go, I can't afford to be late for Potions," I said and her eyes widened. "I have Potions as well," Lauren said and I smiled and we walked to potions. "Alright class, welcome to Potions Master," Lauren said and my eyes widen. Holy shit, she's the professor! She's so young and unbelievably a-attractive! I payed attention in her class and grabbed the book of the Half-Blood Prince out of my bag. Dad gave me this so I could pass Potions, he told me not to abuse its knowledge, Severus Snape's knowledge in fact. The door opened and in walked Professor McGonagall. "I'm deeply sorry to intrude your class Professor Jauregui, but I need your student: Y/N Potter," Professor McGonagall said. "What'd you do this time Potter?" Ptolemy snickered and I looked at him. "Shut your mouth Ptolemy, unlike you I actually help those who are in need," I said coldly and kids ooh'd and I followed McGonagall. "We have four new students and I want you to help them, is that too much to ask of you Ms. Potter?" McGonagall asked. "Of course not! I love new friends!" I said and she smiled. "I'm Y/N Potter, a Slytherin," I said and stuck out my hand. "Ally, I'm a Hufflepuff," The small brunette said and shook my hand. "I could tell off the bat that you'd be a Hufflepuff," I said and she tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Hufflepuffs are kind, equal, loyal and hard-working but to an extent. My friend's deceased mum was a Hufflepuff, Nymphadora Tonks but people called her Tonks. Let's famous Hufflepuffs were Nymphadora Tonks, Cedric Diggory, Ernie MacMillan, and Susan Bones," I said and she nodded and smiled. "I'm Normani, a Ravenclaw," the tall dark-skinned girl said and I shook her hand. "Ravenclaws: quick-witted and wise, they can solve problems and they're the dreamiest of all the houses. Famous Ravenclaws were: Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Michael Corner and Anthony Goldstein," I said and she smiled. "Do you know everything about all four houses?" A tall light-skinned girl asked. "Of course, I have to, besides I always show around the newbies here at Hogwarts!" I said and she giggled and nodded. "I'm Dinah-Jane, Gryffindor," The girl from earlier said and I shook her hand. "Gryffindors, brave and mighty, not afraid of anything except spiders, Dementors, if He was still alive: Voldemort, and so on and so forth," I said and she chuckled. "Famous Gryffindors would be my Father: Harry Potter, my mother: Hermione Granger, my step-dad: Ronald, or Ron, Weasley, ex-Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, who's right here, and again, so on and so forth," I said and she nodded. "Hi! I'm Camila! I'm a Gryffindor as well," Camila said and I nodded and shook her hand. "I'm a Slytherin, don't worry, we've heard it all- 'Draco Malfoy did this, Voldemort did this, they're all evil.' Well we're not all evil, we're just stereotyped. Famous Slytherins: Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle or Voldemort, Pansy Parkinson, deceased Professor Severus Snape, and ex-Professor Horace Slughorn," I said and they nodded. "Wow, I would've totally been stereotypical if I didn't hear all this," Dinah said and I chuckled. "That's why I'm the ambassador to greet every new student. Now c'mon, we'll be late for Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures," I said and they nodded and followed me. "Oh look, fresh meat," Arion said and pushed Camila against the wall. "Arion, leave her alone," I said pulled him off her. "Or what Potter? Jesus, you're just like your goody-two-shoes Father," Arion said and I growled and shoved him. He pulled out his wand and I did the same. "Expelliarmus!" I said and his wand went flying out of his hand. "Stay away from my new friends Arion, if you or any of your two little followers come near them, I'll have to ask McGonagall to allow me and you to have a battle. Arion, don't ever speak shit about my Father as well," I said and he huffed and nodded and walked off to go get his wand. "You okay Camila?" I asked and she smiled and nodded. "Thanks Y/N/N," Camila said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. "No problem besides, it's what friends do right?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm glad you're our new friend," Camila said and I smiled and walked the girls to Professor Jauregui's second class. "This is the new Professor, Professor Jauregui, I accidentally bumped into her today," I said and chuckled shyly. "She's beautiful! Are you sure she isn't a student?" Normani asked and I chuckled. "I thought the same thing Mani," I said and she giggled. "How do you bump into a teacher, dawg?" Dinah asked and I chuckled. "I wasn't paying attention and bumped into her, I picked her books up of course," I said and they giggled and I blushed out of embarrassment. I saw a certain green eyes on me and I looked over to see Lauren staring at me and I blushed a bit, making my face redder, if possible. I was hit in the head with a book and looked up to see Jennifer Malfoy. "Potter, you're in my spot, if I recall," Jennifer said and I chuckled. "Well, there's this saying that goes like this: 'you move your feet, you lose your seat'," I said and she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me up. "Ladies!" Professor Jauregui said and I pulled Jennifer's hands off me. "Tsk. Whatever," Jennifer said and I chuckled. "What's wrong little Miss rich 'Pure-Blood'? I disgust you?" I asked and she threw a book at me and I caught it. "Thanks mate," I said and Professor Jauregui gave me a warning look. "Ms. Malfoy, if you wish to disturb my class, then you're welcome to leave," Professor Jauregui said and I softly chuckled. "Okay, now open your books to page 479," Professor Jauregui said and I opened my book. "Already read this last night, you can share my book," I told Camila and the others and they nodded and smiled. "Thanks Y/N/N," Ally said and I shook my head and smiled. "Who can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a Werewolf?" Professor Jauregui asked and I raised my hand. "Ms. Potter," Professor Jauregui called on me. "An Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon, when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is. He would kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind," I said and she nodded. "Impressive, I believe your mother said the same thing, did she not?" Professor Jauregui asked and I nodded. "Of course she did, she was a smart girl at the time, it's in the book. But I've already read the entire book three times, there's something about it that draws me to it," I said and she nodded. The bell rang and I led Ally, Normani, Camila and Dinah to Flying Lessons. "Ah there she is! My favorite Slytherin in this class. And who are these young girls Potter?" Professor Hooch asked. "Ah right. Girls, this is Professor Rolanda Hooch, she teaches flying and I'm on the Quidditch team, as a Seeker. Professor, this is Camila, Ally, Dinah and Normani," I said and pointed to them. "Alright, excuse me while I get this class back in order," Professor Hooch said and blew her whistle and everyone lined up. "Y/N, would you demonstrate how to fly?" Professor Hooch asked and I nodded. I walked over to my broom and said, "Up." My broom went into my hands and I swung my leg over it and flew off. "Seeker! Are you ready!" Hooch yelled and I nodded. "Yeah!" I yelled back and she let the Golden Snitch free and I chased after it. I grabbed it and flew down to her. "Here you are, Professor Hooch," I said and handed her the Golden Snitch. "Remarkable, you take after your Father and Mother well," Hooch said and I nodded. I helped out the people who weren't on their brooms right and I flew next to them and helped them fly.
We had the room set up for a match, Professor Jauregui represented me to go and I was against Jennifer Potter, who Professor Lockhart was representing. "Dueling class, should've known it'd be against you, Potter," Jennifer said and I chuckled. "Begin," Professor McGonagall said and I chuckled. "Serpentsortia!" Jennifer said and a snake appeared and fell on the floor. "What is this to patronize my Father?" I asked and she chuckled. "Of course it is filthy Potter," Jennifer said and I growled. "Haa sssiiimm ahhh sah hissss haayaa!" I spoke Parseltongue and the snake turned to the crowd of students and they gasped. "Shiah saangatah seleethane!" I spoke Parseltongue again and the snake slithered over to Jennifer and hissed. "What the hell Potter?" Jennifer said and I chuckled. "I found a book, in the library on Parseltongue, I kept it of course," I said and she growled and raised her wand at me. "Crucio!" Jennifer said and blocked it. "Locomotor Mortis!" I said and Jennifer's legs locked together. "Sectum!" Jennifer said and I felt a few cuts on me. "Stupify!" I said and she blocked it. The Locomotor Mortis spell wore off on her and she smirked. "Y/N, you have to concentrate okay? Focus on your target in front of you, don't worry about the crowd," Professor Jauregui said and I nodded, looking at her. "Crucio!" Jennifer said and I turned around and Professor Jauregui moved me behind her and the spell hit her. She groaned and fell into my arms, in pain. "Immobulus!" I said and Jennifer's body went straight and fell onto the floor, unable to move. "C'mon Professor, we have to get you to McGonagall or a nurse," I said and carried her off to see McGonagall. "What's happened Potter?" McGonagall asked. "Malfoy used the Crucio curse and tried to hit me with it but Professor Jauregui here switched places with me and saved me," I explained and she nodded. "Professor Jauregui, you have to remain strong-willed and the pain will go away until I make the potion to cure the Cruciatus Curse," I said and she nodded. I had set her on the bed in the hospital Hogwarts has. I hurried off to the Potions room and brought everything back so I could keep an eye on the professor. "You're truly like your Father, Y/N, and like your Mother as well. But as a Slytherin, I've never seen this much selflessness," McGonagall said and I chuckled. "Arrogance blinds those who are greedy and selfish while those who are selfless and giving see the true beauty in the world," I said and she nodded. "A beautiful sentiment," Jauregui said and I shushed her softly. "You have to remain strong-willed Professor, so don't distract yourself by talking," I said and she nodded. I pulled the little flasks from the holder hovering over the flame. I turned the burner off and handed Professor Jauregui the flask. "It'll taste horrible but that's just the Cruciatus Curse," I said and she nodded and I helped her sit up and she drank it. She groaned and handed me the flask back. I put it on the table and she made a disgusted face and I giggled. "You have to rest, the after affects are to come, I'll teach Potions for you tomorrow," I said and she nodded and chuckled. "You sure you can deal with those kids?" Lauren asked. "Of course I can," I said and she smiled. "You're an excellent student," Lauren said and I smiled. "Rest up till tomorrow night, I'll come back and check on you," I said and she nodded. I walked out of the hospital and went to my next class which was Study of Ancient Runes.
The bell rang indicating that school was over so I headed over to the hospital to check on Lauren's condition. "How you feeling?" I asked and she opened her eye and looked at me. "I'm okay, I guess," Lauren said. "It's my fault you suffered the Cruciatus Curse, I wasn't paying attention, again, and it got you hurt," I said and sat down near her bed. Lauren grabbed my hand and I looked at her. I felt my heart start to beat really fast and I couldn't control it. "It's not your fault, Malfoy used a curse, which is unacceptable here in Hogwarts," Lauren said and I nodded. "But I feel bad that you got hurt because of me, you didn't have to intervene and yet you did, thank you Professor," I said and she smiled. I had opened up my book of Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and started reading it. "Didn't you say you read that book?" Lauren asked and I nodded. "I can't help but reread it, it's so fascinating! The way Werewolves listen to the call of their own kind, the way we wizards can be an Animagus. Professor McGonagall is an Animagus, it takes time to perfect that art, and I've got it down, somewhat," I said and she never looked away from me, so I stopped. "Did I ramble? I'm sorry, I don't mean to do it," I said and she squeezed my hand which I realized she was still holding. "No, don't stop, I like seeing and hearing you talk with so much passion about something you love," Lauren said and I blushed and nodded. I looked back down at my book and read the page. "Wait a minute," I said and Lauren looked at me with a raised brow. "What is it?" Lauren asked. "The werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind. Mum said she howled at Professor Lupin when he turned, but she howled to protect Dad, but that doesn't make sense. Mum howled to save Dad, but Lupin chased them when he turned, I wonder. Does this Mum is a werewolf? Or she somehow can howl like one? A half-breed?" I said and Lauren looked just as confused as I did. I heard a howl and a scream. "A werewolf's here! In the castle!" I heard some girl yell and I looked at Lauren. "Stay here," I said and she looked at me. "You're going to leave me here all alone?" Lauren asked. "Of course not Lau-er-Professor," I said and she giggled. "Serpentsortia!" I said and snakes appeared. I spoke in Parseltongue and told the snakes to protect Lauren. I cupped my hands near my mouth and howled like a werewolf. The werewolf ran over to me and I had noticed myself turning. I felt my bones shift and grow and I was in a half form. "So, mum was a half-breed," I said and the werewolf walked over to me. I guessed it smelled Lauren and it ran to the hospital but I ran after it, running on the side of the walls. He burst through the door and I growled and tackled him. I was thrown off of him and I landed on my feet. "Y/N?" Lauren said and I looked at her. "Turns out I'm a half-breed, my mum was one," I said and she chuckled and tried getting up. I used my wand and pushed her down gently. "Professor, stay in bed," I said and she chuckled. The werewolf growled and walked over to Lauren and I got in front of him and growled. We charged at each other and I had bit him and he did the same to me. I yelped in pain and growled at him. I had scratched him and bit him until he left, but I followed him at a distance. He had left the castle and I howled and Professor McGonagall and the other Professors came by and saw me. "Y-Y/N?" Professor McGonagall said, shocked. "My theory was right, mum was a half-breed," I said and fell over. "Get her to the hospital and quick," McGonagall said and Madam Hooch picked me up gently and carried me to the hospital. "What happened?" McGonagall asked once she finally got to my bed. "He bit me," I said and her face became drained. "Oh," was all she could say. "I think I have his blood coursing through my veins, I'd have to do a blood test," I said and they nodded. I grabbed a small pin and pricked my finger and let some blood drop onto a glass circle and had it out under a microscope. I looked at the microscope and my blood mixed with the Werewolf's blood. "Weird, it's mixing with the werewolf's blood, wait..it rejected it," I said and McGonagall sighed in relief. "I don't need one of my excellent Slytherin students to become a mindless beast on full moons," McGonagall said and I chuckled. "Homorphus," I said and McGonagall looked at me confused. "What?" McGonagall asked. "It's a spell, to cure anyone of the werewolf curse, you're an Animagus, which is a strong spell to cast so it could work if you used the spell on me. Homorphus," I said and repeated the spell. Professor McGonagall took out her wand and pointed it at me, "Homorphus." My wolf bite healed and I felt the werewolf's blood disappear from my veins. "I'm still a half-breed, but since I'm a pure bred half-breed I'll stay that way, it's a dominant gene," I said. "Wait, could that wolf be..Teddy?" I asked. "What?" McGonagall asked. "His father, Remus Lupin, was a werewolf, could Teddy be one?" I asked. "I would think so," McGonagall said and I groaned and slammed my fist onto the nearby tray. "It's Teddy, it's got to be. I-I need to find him before it's too late," I said and stood up. "Y/N you have to rest in case something comes up," McGonagall said and I growled lowly. "Y/N, where's Teddy?" I heard and saw my Mum. "Mum, Teddy, he's-he's a werewolf, he's the one here at the castle you have to find him!" I said and she nodded and cupped her hands over her mouth and howled like I did earlier. Teddy walked over to her slowly and she held out her hand. "Teddy," Mum said softly. "Teddy it's me, Hermione," Mum continued to speak softly. Teddy whined and nuzzled his head onto her hand. I had gotten up and slowly yet cautiously walked over to Teddy. "There it is!" We heard and Teddy's eyes went from brown to all black. "No! Teddy!" I said and he growled and had lunged at Mum but I shifted back into my half-form and growled. I pulled Mum behind me and he lunged at me and I punched him. He yelped and I ran off with him chasing after me. "Y/N!" Mom said and I ignored her and continued to run with Teddy chasing me. I got to the woods, near the Womping Willow. "Teddy, listen to me, fight the urge to be a mindless beast! You can do it, I know you can! Teddy, please, do it for me, your sister," I begged and he started changing back. I have to keep him busy for a few more minutes then the sun'll come up! Teddy growled and went back to being a mindless beast. "Teddy, I know you're in there! You have to listen to listen to me! Please, Teddy. Do it for your parents, Remus and Nymphadora!" I said and he whined and shifted back into a human. I took off my cloak and wrapped it around his naked body. "I got you, it's okay," I said and he nodded as I carried him back to the castle. I walked in and saw Professor McGonagall. "Teddy?" She asked and I nodded. "I'll take him to the dorms, just check on Professor Jauregui, please. She might need another sip of the Anti Cruciatus Curse Potion," I said and she nodded and I walked Teddy to the boys part of the dorms. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Albus asked. "Teddy, he uhm, turned," I said softly and he nodded. "I'll get your clothes, Teddy," Albus said and got his clothes and dressed him. "Bye Teddy, bye Albus," I said and kissed their foreheads and left to the hospital. "Where's the Anti Cruciatus Curse Potion?" McGonagall asked and I facepalmed. "I'm such an idiot, I forgot to give it to you. I'm sorry," I said and she chuckled and patted my shoulder. "It's fine, just make sure she's fine. You'll be awarded 150 points to the house of Slytherin," McGonagall said and I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you," I said and she smiled and I walked off to go see Lauren. "Here," I said and she lifted her body up a bit and drank the potion, making a cute disgusted face. Okay, what the hell is going on with me? I've seen her at least 5 times, maybe more. I think it's because of her eyes..or her lips...or just her in general. Just calm down and ask her about herself, I can do this. "Lauren," I said and she hummed. "Do you mind if I get to know you better?" I asked. "I was raised in Miami, I'm 20, and I love art and quotes," Lauren said and I chuckled. "What about you?" Lauren asked. "I'm 18, daughter of Hermione and Harry, uhm I speak Parseltongue but I'm guessing you already knew because of earlier today. I hate it when Pure-Bloods, the Malfoys, think that muggle-bloods are disgusting, like it's honestly so fucking judgemental! I love stargazing, painting and playing as the Seeker in Quidditch," I said and she smiled and nodded. "I love stargazing too, especially if it's in the middle of nowhere with no lights, you get to see the universe," Lauren said and I smiled. "I know, I haven't been stargazing in the middle of nowhere yet, I kinda wanna do it when I'm in a relationship, cause it'd be special," I said and she nodded.
(Lauren's POV)
Y/N is the cutest person ever, especially when she protected me, I thought it was cute because she doesn't know that she's falling for me. I can hear her thoughts and it's made me blush a bit, she's so young and I want her to be mine, but we can't be together because I'm the teacher and she's the student. And I'd have to bite her to mark her, which means I'd have to turn her. "Hey," Y/N nudged me softly, "where'd you go off to?" Y/N asked. "Nowhere, just thinking," I said and she nodded and smiled. "I think I'll stay up a bit and run some blood work test on you, you don't mind right?" Y/N said and I shook my head. "Imma heavy sleeper, so go ahead," I said and she giggled and nodded. "Night Lolo," Y/N said. "Lolo?" I asked and she nodded and smiled. "It's your new nickname, you like it?" Y/N asked and I nodded. I had felt her lightly prick my finger with a pin and she managed to get my blood. "Looks like you'll be able to leave first thing when you wake up," Y/N said and I smiled. I softly grabbed her hand and she looked at me. "Thank you, Y/N, I mean it," I said and she shook her head and smiled. "No need to thank me, I'm always here for people," Y/N said and I smiled. "She should smile more often, it's beautiful," I heard Y/N's thoughts, and blushed a light pink. "Y/N, I have to tell you something about myself," I said and she looked at me and nodded. "Go ahead, I won't judge," She said and I smiled. "I can hear people's thoughts, but I've learned to block it out, but for some reason, yours can't be blocked," I said and she nodded and smiled. "So, you can hear others thoughts? That's cool. Wait, does that mean you heard what I thought earlier today?" She asked, blushing out of embarrassment and I giggled and nodded and she hid her face in her hands. "Y/N, don't cover your face, you're beautiful when you blush," I said and she shook her head and I could tell she was blushing even more and smiling. I took her hands away from her face and she looked at me and I looked at her. "You're eyes are so beautiful," I whispered and she blushed. "You're gorgeous without trying," Y/N whispered back which made me blush. "I wish I wasn't a student, but some rules can be broken," Y/N said and I chuckled. "Do you mind if I take you out tomorrow night at 10:30?" I asked and she smiled. "It's a date," Y/N said and pecked my cheek, near the corner of my mouth and turned the lights off with her wand. "Sleep tight, Gorgeous," Y/N said and I smiled and nodded while blushing and laying down.
(Your POV)
"Lumos," I said and my wand lit up and I made my way to the dorms. I heard footsteps coming my way so I managed to concentrate enough to make myself a cat. I turned into a cat and I internally cheered. Yeah!! I managed to become a cat!! I guess all that training and practicing to be an Animagus paid off. I wonder what Lauren's reaction will be when I show her! I had snuck my way to the dorms as a cat and got to my bed and shifted out of the cat form and changed into pj's and went to bed.

A/N: yayy!! I'm fifteen!! And, since I'm very selfless, here's a present from me, to you! Did you like it? Let me know! I already have chapter 2 in mind and I'm gonna start it rn!

My Girlfriend is a Vampire (Lauren/You) ON HOLD/DISCONTINUEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora