Oh no. I know that look.

   I flinched into the lockers and shut my eyes tightly, awaiting the pain, but surprisingly there was none. I felt a warm lips kiss my forehead with tenderness and something cold slip onto my face.

   "Bye Princess," he whispered and left. When I got the courage to open my eyes, Grayson was long gone and the footsteps were slowly getting farther away. I also noticed how my eyesight had gotten clearer.

   My glasses!

   I then blushed at how considerate Grayson was. Snapping out of my thoughts, I rushed down the hallway not forgetting to stop at my locker to gather my belongings for math. I for one loved math unlike most of my classmates. Even though Mr. Burns disliked me. His name did fit him because his face always looked like he had a sunburn. Not my words. I wouldn't dare say that about anyone.

   When I reached the wooden door, I took a deep breathe and opened it. Immediately, everyone turned towards me. My breathing became more rapid. If I haven't mentioned it before, I'll mention it now. I have major social anxiety and that's not going to help my case right now.

   "Ms. Woods, can you tell me why your 10 minutes late." He asked knowing my problem, but still put me in the spot. My breathing started getting out of control and tears glazed my eyes when I heard everyone laugh at my horrible state. My ears started ringing and I couldn't catch what he had said.

   It's ok Jos breathe. Think of someone you could trust.

   My mom used to tell me that when I was younger and used to get panic attacks. The first person to come to my mind was Grayson's handsome face. It surprisingly helped. I slowly started calming down.


   "... after school detention." That was all I had heard. No, I couldn't be late to the orphanage. I was internally freaking out, but didn't protest. I made my way to his desk, collected the detention slip, and walked to my desk. The remainder of  school passed by quickly. I saw Grayson and what I think to be his friends in the halls being flocked  by almost everyone. Mostly the females in the school.

   When the dismissal bell rang, I sadly walked to the detention room. Judging by the jacked up door which held picture and words I would never speak, I knew this was going to be all rough and tumble. When I finally got the the guts to open the door, I was surprised to see Grayson and his group of friends on one side of the room with Bradley, the former bad boy of the school since Grayson and his group are the new ones, and his gang of friends on the other side of the room. There was no teacher or any females in the classroom. When they heard the door all 10 heads snapped to face me and no conversation lingered.

   I tried to ignore their stares and placed the detention slip on the teachers desk. There was already tension between both groups, but it intensified when I walked in. I could feel a panic attack bubbling up, but I took deep breathes and walked to one corner which was unoccupied. Sitting down, I took out my textbook and notebook, but someone threw it off the desk.

   "Well, look who decided to grace us with her ugly presence," Bradley sneered. I looked up to see Bradley, John, Alex, Aiden, and Caden all glaring down at me. Bradley already hated me since he was Jeffrey's son and everyone else were his best buddies which automatically made them despise me. There were rumors that Jeffery was a gang leader and passed the title to Bradley. I knew that was true since they had gang meetings at the orphanage. They threatened to find and kill my parents if I told anyone their secret.

His Princess !! DISCONTINUED !!Where stories live. Discover now