Cassian stormed back into the ship, taking off his soaking wet coat. "Bodhi, where's the lab?"

"The research facility?" Bodhi asked, turning around in the pilot's seat.

"Yeah," Cassian said, hanging up his coat in a hurry, "where is it?"

Bodhi used his thumb to point behind him, "It's just over that ridge."

"That's a shuttle depot straight ahead of us," Cassian started to put on a dry cloak, "you are sure of that?"

"Ye- Yes!" Bodhi said, stuttering and causing Sage to smile slightly.

"We have to hope there's still a ship left for us to steal," Cassian said, putting on his gloves, "here's what we are doing.." Sage and Jade looked at each other when the sudden air around Cassian felt murderous, like someone who was about to do a lot of harm. Jade knew what it was and continued to look deeper into the feeling. Was he going to go through with it? Was he having any regret before it happened? She closed her eyes, letting the Force feel through her. 

Cassian continued on with the plan, "hopefully the storm keeps up and keeps us hidden down here," Cassian handed a pair of gloves to Bodhi, "Bodhi, you are coming with me, we will go up the ridge and check it out."

"What?" Sage asked, standing up furiously.

Nobody paid attention to her except for Bodhi. Jyn started to grab her cloak, "I'm coming with you."

Cassian grabbed his blaster off the wall, "No. Your father's message, we can't risk it. You're the messenger."

Sage clenched her teeth, knowing he was lying. When she looked to her mother, Jade only shook her head, telling her it's better to leave it be.

Jyn spoke what Sage was thinking anyways, "that's ridiculous, we all got the message, everyone here knows it."

Cassian connected a longer front piece onto his blaster, Sage knew that it was the sniper configuration for his blaster. 

"One blast to the reactor module and the whole system goes down, that's how you said it," K-2SO said, "the whole system goes down."

Cassian stood up quickly, anger filling him as he raised his voice slightly, "Get to work fixing our coms!" He said to K-2SO who only nodded, turning back to the communication system and playing with the wires.

"All I want to do right now is get a handle on what we're up against," Cassian said sternly, "so we're gonna go, very small and very careful up the ridge to see what's up."

Bodhi was all ready for the rain now as Cassian brushed passed him out the door, "Let's get out of here."

Bodhi gave Sage a look of reluctancy as they left, Jyn watched out the window as Baze went and sat next to Chirrut. "Does he look like a killer?" Chirrut asked Baze.

Sage's attention turned towards them, she knew why he was asking that. Baze answered almost sadly, "No, he had the face of a friend."

Jyn turned towards them, "What are you talking about?"

Chirrus answered reluctantly, not wanting to start any drama, "Captain Andor," he answered.

Jyn leaned in close to Chirrut, "Why would you ask that? Wh- what do you mean he looks like a killer?"

"The Force moved around him like he was a creature about to kill," Chirrut said as almost as if it was hard to speak.

"His weapon was in its sniper configuration," K-2SO said, Jyn whipped her head towards him.

Jyn then looked over to Sage and Jade who were both staring at her with sad eyes. Jade closed her eyes and began thinking, everything was unfolding. Something big was coming towards them, and the amount of emotion Jyn had right now would be catostrophic to any normal person's health. "Did you know?" Jyn asked Jade as she began getting on her coat.

Jade only nodded as Jyn left the ship, closing the door behind her. K-2SO looked surprised as the door thudded shut. Soon after, Chirrut opened the door and began walking. Baze sat on the ship's floor, his feet hanging off in the rain. "Where are you going?!" he yelled to Chirrut.

"I am going to follow Jyn! Her path is clear," he yelled back through the rain.

"Alone? Good luck!" Baze yelled back to him.

"I don't need luck! I have you!" Chirrut yelled back causing Baze to roll his eyes and groan. He reluctantly follow Chirrut out into the Rain.

Jade then stood up and made her way to the door, "where are you going?" Sage asked her as she stepped onto the wet ground.

Jade didn't answer since it was a stupid question, Sage knew where she was going. Sage had decided to stay, knowing that going out there would only cause more trouble in case anything happened. K-2SO had noticed that everyone had taken off, he turned towards Sage, "Where are they going?"

Sage shrugged at K-2SO went on, "If Cassian comes back we're leaving without them."

Sage laughed, "You never cease to put a smile on my face, K-2."

K-2SO nodded slightly, "I'm a droid, I aim to please."

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