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1 BBY - 0 ABY~

Jade, Sage, Cassian and Jyn were all heading out through the main hangar to the U-wing that they'd be flying to Jedha. The door to the ship was open and Jyn began organizing her bag, using the floor of the ship as a table almost.

Cassian went into the ship and put his stuff down by the pilot's seat before being called out by General Draven. He walked a ways from the ship to talk to him before K-2SO began to speak.

"I'm K-2SO," He said, and when Jyn didn't respond, "I'm a re-programmed imperial droid."

Jyn only smiled slightly, "I remember you."

Sage and Jade began to sort through their bags to make sure they had everything, listening to the conversation.

"I see the council is sending you with us to Jedha," K-2SO said causing Sage to mumble, 'nice observation'.

Jyn looked up at K-2SO, "Apparently so."

"That is a bad idea," K-2SO said, turning back to the keyboard he was working on, "I think so and so does Cassian."

This caused Jyn to looked a tiny bit surprised. She turned her head and looked out at Cassian who was still talking to General Draven. "What do I know?" K-2SO said, "my specialty is just strategic analysis."

It went silent for a moment and Jade decided to change the topic from K-2SO's rather rude statement. "That last time I saw you, Jyn, you were maybe twelve, eleven?"

Jyn turned away from Cassian and smiled at her, "Yes, I remember you, you're the Jedi who somehow saved the men who were surrounded by stormtroopers," Jyn said, emphasizing 'somehow'.

Jade couldn't help but chuckle causing Jyn to smile. It went silent again and Jade spoke again, "This is Sage, by the way, my daughter." 

Sage gave a smile and a small nod to Jyn, who did the same right back before Cassian walked onto the ship's floor, past Jyn.

"Met K-2?" He asked as he put on his jacket and Jyn took a blaster out of her bag, which Jade and Sage thought nothing of. Jyn took a seat on the two-sided bench in the middle of the ship as Cassian stood on the level higher up where the cockpit was.

"Charming," Jyn replied causing Cassian to barely smile. Jade figured he was putting on an act.

"He tends to say whatever comes into his circuits," Cassian replied as Jade and Sage took their own seats, Jade in the corner behind Jyn. "It's a bi-product of the reprogramming."

K-2's head turned around as he then said what straight came into his circuits, "How come she gets a blaster and I don't."

Jade had taken out her lightsabers and began cleaning them, her head down as Cassian's head whipped towards Jyn. "What?"

"I know how to use it," Jyn argued, shrugging.

"That's what I'm afraid of, give it to me," He held out his hand causing Jade's head to lift, her eyes connecting to Cassian's behind Jyn. She gave him a look that said 'go easy on her'.

"We're going to Jedha," Jyn once again argued. "That's a warzone."

Since Saw's men moved base from Hoth back to Jedha, the Empire's presence had gotten even higher there. There's no way you could possibly go there without running into some sort of trouble, though they had to try.

Cassian's head sort of shook, "That's not the point of-" he let out a breath of annoyance, "where'd you get it?"

"I found it," Jyn said as Cassian got closer to her.

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