"They are giving hard time to the couple." I said and laughed.

"You know Isa called me mama yesterday for the first time." She said in excitement.


"Isa say mama." She said to him and he said breaking the words. Ma ma.
I talked to her and told her to be there soon in sha Allah to hear Isa say ma ma and then ask him to say kha la (aunt).

After a while we went to meet the new princess. Ahmish Bhai was talking to Shirana and the baby was lying beside Shirana.
Shirana greeted us and we replied to her and my gaze were fixed at the baby all the time.

"Aww my little princess Fatima." I uttered and picked her up.
The couple had already decided to name their daughter as Fatima and son as Ibrahim.

"The princess is just like the Queen, I mean just like me." I said touching her delicate chin.

"She's like her mamu (maternal uncle)." Ahmad said taking her away from me.

"Hello my daughter is just like her father." Ahmish Bhai said protesting.

"Hi Mr. Father of my daughter, I have kept her nine months in my womb so she's just like her mother." Shirana uttered and we laughed while Fatima started crying.

"You people made my daughter cry." Ahmish Bhai said and came towards Ahmad as he was holding him.

"Don't cry my daughter, I am here. I know you want to be just like me and these people are troubling you." He said and we glared at him.

"His father has not even held her once." Shirana said replying.

"Why?" I asked surprisingly as I know how much he has waited for this moment.

"Because he's afraid that he'll hurt her." Shirana answered.

"Wow my brave brother is afraid to hold his child?" I said sarcastically.

"Come on sit, I'll tell you how to hold her. It's easy." Ahmad said signalling the chair.

"I am brave for the rest of the world, but I am afraid to hold my little daughter whose hands are even smaller than my fingers. What if I hurt her? What if someone hurts her in future? I crush his bones if someone dares to hurt her." Ahmish Bhai said full of emotions.

"My possessive brother, sit down for now." I said and made him sit and Ahmad transferred her delicately to his hands.

"I won't let anyone hurt you." Ahmish Bhai said and kissed her forehead and embraced her and we watched him in an aw.

We had good time welcoming the new member of our family, later Ammi Abbu came to visit Fatima too.

"Time to go home as my kids must be hungry and would be messing around." I said and greeted everyone before leaving and Shirana asked me to convey her hugs and kisses to the kids.

We reached home and I hurried to the house while Ahmad went to park the car.

As I entered the room and switched on the lights, I saw the them playing around ignoring the fact that they were actually messing my room.

"Sam." I shouted and he stopped while he was troubling the other one.

"What are you doing? You broke my favourite vase." I said and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"This time your face won't melt me." I shouted.

"Why are you shouting?" Ahmad said while he made his way through the door towards me followed by snowy.

Door to JannahOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant