I Stalked my Girlfriend

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Authors letter to readers

Okay hi so because I have multipul stories its hard to update them all at once so I would like to propose the idea of you the readers commenting ~Update please~ on the story you want to see updated the most. Overall the book with the most request will be updated in the next three days. I would say you have about a week to get your book to the top by asking friends to comment you can comment multipul times and then I will present the winners with the new chapter of their favorite book. Oh yes put your comments in the last chapter of the book so the counting is not all over the place.

hEY YOUTUBE today I'm here to tell you about my AMBW (Asian man black woman ) relationship ! No one really knows how me and my girlfriend met because we were too scared to tell them. Well not afraid, but whatever... so today YouTube you guys are going to be the first to know how we met and what I did to get Aroma's attention. Before you all jump to conclusions of me being some kind of monster, I'd like for you to get to know me a little bit more. Now in some Asian house holds it's not really said, but you know they want you to bring home an Asian girl, and that's fine, but when I met Amora I don't think my parents had any say in the matter. Not only because of my obsession, but because it was Amora, and I felt something for her that I felt for no other person and for no other thing. You'll hear all about it later...

My name is Kai, I'm currently 19 years old, an Asian American currently attending Yale University. However, I can't tell you what's happening until I'v told you what was. It all started during my freshmen year of high school when I saw, heard, and met the girl of my dreams, Amora Davis. I mean in high school I was nothing special; I was short, quiet, lacked confidence, awkward, and in love. I remember walking into my 6th period English class and feeling lost. I sat in any available seat close to the front: to avoid walking down a row of glaring eyes. I didn't know what to expect and then, there Amora was walking in as soon as the bell rang, taking a seat two seats behind me.

I mean at the time I didn't know why this girl had captured my attention for doing nothing, but walking into the room rite before the late bell rung. I had seen people do it before and after that, but it wasn't the same.

In class we were somewhat opposites, she was outgoing and I was reserved. Amora participated a lot and that made me think of how smart she was. The teacher told us to stand because she was going to move our seats and it hit me, I was afraid that I would be moved farther away from her, and with little hope held on the probability that I could be seated closer to her.

I listened and watched as seats were given away.

What was even worst was that the 4 seats directly next to Amora, were closing up. I may sound as if I'm over exaggerating, but when you know no one and you find someone you want to get to know, things change.

I wiggled my way to the front slowly: in hopes the teacher would see me. I had my fingers crossed the whole time. She called my name and I exploded _on the inside of course_ because she had seated me directly to the left of Amora. This may seem silly, but in that class we sat in rows and the aisle between us had too much space. I mean this was my creepy phase, but everyday I'd drag my desk a centimeter closer to hers.

We played the name game and I prayed she remembered mine. I waited as she blew out names like candles, for her to say my name and when she did,

it was so brief that I had wished I had a longer name.

She was tall, with a thick frame not fat nor circular but hour glass thick, with a voice the projected across the class room, but at times it still shivered, she had shoulder length hair, coco brown skin,

XD ...

and these big brown eyes. I liked looking at her; she often gazed as if she was thinking so deeply about her own world, but always did her work. I was too shy to say a word to her, let alone anyone else and I kept staring. I mean I was happy, I thought she was happy couldn't we leave it at that; I guess I was too obvious. That same afternoon I was ganged by three of my class mates.

"Hey what's up Kai?"

"When do you have? Lunch?" they asked.

"I had lunch at 4th period,"

I answered and they all smiled one patting me on the back.

"Welcome to the group Kai."

The other looking at me as we walked down the hall then said "Do you like Amora?"

and again they all burst out laughing and smiling. But like the stalker I was I replied "No." shaking my head, like the liar I was, like the frail boy I was.

That wasn't the problem, the problem was that somebody knew and I feared her knowing so soon. We all sat together in the next class. They told a lot of jokes, I felt comfortable with them and would occasionally join in. I had found my first friends without even trying I was happy; I thought she was happy, what could go wrong.

That afternoon we all met up on are walk home. In the distance I had already made her out I had remembered her earth green shirt and tan backpack and I had become nervous. Now even passing her in the street had become a monumental moment. I guess I wasn't the only one to spot her out because they all looked at me funny. They all began commenting

"Oww!" and

"Oh!" and demanded

"Call her Kai." again I replied

"No!" shaking my head as the gap between Amora and us closed. Deroy then replied to me by saying

"Okay then" and then he called out her name and I guessed my heart stopped, I wanted to turnaround and walk out of the situation, but it was too late.

She had heard her name and glanced back and gave a brief wave. Deroy began his introduction "It's me Deroy from you're..." and before he had even started she'd gone back into her own world.The whole group including myself erupted in laughs. I was happy and that I counted as are first encounter.

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