Musical to the heart

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WildStyle was in her human form after so long. Wearing her old spy uniform sense it was the only thing to fit her. (And Smokescreen was gawking like crazy every time he sees his wife.)

Miko was playing her electric guitar happily. Her eyes were closed as she sank deep into the music. Happy to play her favorite music. WildStyle looks at her old drum set Miko had brought. Remembering how she would rock out every time she plays.

Walking toward the drum set, WildStyle picks up the drumsticks she had spray painted black. She sits down on the seat and twirled one of the sticks. Then began to play. Beginning to play Face Down by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Her sudden playing made Miko stop and look at her cousin. Beginning to play the same song in tune with WildStyle

Everyone looked toward WildStyle when they hear a new instrument play.

"Do you feel like a man

when you push her around

do you feel better now!?

she falls to the ground!

well I'll tell you my friend!

One day this will turn around~

WildStyle sang happily to the music. Remembering when she always sang to the music. Music was always her escape from the world after her mother died and she began a cyborg. Now she could play again.

Stopping at the end of the song. WildStyle wipes away the sweat on her forehead. Then jumping when everyone started clapping. Completely forgetting she wasn't alone. Now blushing very brightly. "Thanks guys." she said happily. Smiling at her family.

"I didn't know you could play an instrument, WildStyle." WhiteStreak said with a smile. But for some reason WildStyle didn't smile back. Instead she felt angry when she heard Whitestreak's voice. She looks atWhiteStreak with purple eyes. "Well I do. Mostly the drums but I enjoy many more." Her voice suddenly deepened into Nightshade's voice.

WhiteStreak looked at her very confused. Not noticing the purple eyes.

"I need to go for a walk." WildStyle said suddenly. Her eyes turn back to the golden colored eyes. She stands up and slowly transformed into her vehicle mode. Slamming on the gas and went speeding out in smoke. Everyone was coughing when the smoke covered them up.

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