The First Day They Remembered To Pick Me Up

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*Diary Entry* 

I Was In The Library Checking My School Email And One In Particular Caught My Attention For All The Wrong Reasons. 

*End Of Diary Entry* 

To Sonia Scott; Lucas Scott; Sawyer Scott; Lydia Scott; Jude Baker; Davis Baker


You Should Be Ashamed That You Have Two Young Children That Are Going To Be Teen Parents. 

You Should Not Be Letting Your Daughter And Son Go Out In Public.



*Diary Entry* 

Suddenly I Ran Out Of The School (After Logging Out Of Course) And Found Mom And Dad Waiting

*End Of Entry* 

Sonia: Mom? Dad? What Are You Doing Here?

Haley: We Have Read The Email And We Have Realised That We Have Ignored You For Too Long. 

Nathan: We Are So Sorry Princess. 

Sonia: Thank You Mommy And Daddy (Gets In The Car) 

Haley: (Feels Nathan Pull Off) We Have A Surprise For You When You Get Home. 

Nathan: Yes We Do. It's A Big One. 

Sonia: (Thinking) What Could It Be? 

*After A Little While* 

Sonia: I Can See Uncle Lucas' And Auntie Peyton's House. 

Nathan: We Are Going To Blindfold You Now. 

Haley: I Will Be Right Beside You. 

Sonia: Momma And Daddy I Am Sorry For Getting Knocked Up. 

Nathan And Haley: Never Say That Again. We Have Been Waiting For You Two To Have Kids So Why Not Start Early. You Will Always Be Our Baby. 

Sonia: Jamie And Lydia Are Definitely Momma's Girl And Boy But I Am A Daddy's Girl Through And Through. (Feels The Car Stop) 

Nathan: (Helps Her Out)

Haley: (Gets Out And Helps Nathan Guide Her Into The House) 

Nathan: You Ready?

Sonia: Of Course I Am. 

Nathan: (Undoes The Blindfold) 

Everyone: Surprise!

Sonia: What Is Going On?

Everyone: We Wanted To Show You How Much You Mean To Us By Performing Song Or Saying A Few Words. 

Nathan: (Sings Daddy's Girl) 

Sonia: (Helps) 

Lucas: My Little Niece You Have Blessed Our Family From Day One. You Defied All Of The Odds That Were Stacked Against You. You Make Peyton So Happy When You Come Around. I Love You And I Will Love This Baby. Baby Scott We All Love You.

James and Lydia: (Sings When The Stars Go Blue) 

Jude: (Sings Happy Together) 

Haley: (Sings Halo) 

Sonia: Thanks So Much You Guys. I Love You All So Much. You Are All My Family Whether Blood Related Or Not And (Turns To Face Jude) Jude Thank You For Giving Me The Best Two Gifts Imaginable, Your Love And This Baby. 

Jude: (Shouts) Group Hug.

Everyone: (Hugs Sonia) 

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