Chapter 13

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As the days wore on, Sherlock tried to eat and john kept a close eye on him. Sherlock didn't really mind when john pestered him, he was the only person he'd met that was able to talk to him and nag at him and he didn't mind, he just went along with what they said, John however was the only person Sherlock treated as equal, everyone else was stupid or arrogant, but then there was john who understood and his mind worked very similarly to sherlocks.

It was a Tuesday and they had potions together, so they paired up and began to brew their potion. They were making a potion that would make the person who breathed it in begin to dance, it was a potion that went wrong in way to many areas and most of the room was doing some sort of badly coordinated dance to an invisible song.

John also began to do strange dancing in which Sherlock just snickered at him, having not inhaled the potion himself, him and professor Snape were the only ones who weren't dancing.

After a few minutes though, john decided to nudge Sherlock slightly towards the potion, where he had no time to inhale oxygen and instead inhaled the sweet yellow smoke, he thought it hadn't affected him until he began pirouetting and dancing as if he was a professional, he knew the steps well and his back was arched perfectly, he grabbed john and they danced together, it was slow and gradual and it began to pick up pace, Sherlock made John spin and twirl, and they both laughed and giggled like schoolgirls as they took the stage and people began to watch him, mesmerized by his talent and skill.

When the potion began to wear off Sherlock and john were sat on the staircase laughing, they still didn't trust themselves to stand in case their bodies decided to dance further.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" John asked after a while of trying to control his laughter.

"Just between you and I, it's kind of one of my guilty pleasures, I've been dancing to music since I could walk." And Sherlock stood and did a little pirouette which was then silently applauded by John.

They then headed off to their next lesson which was defense against the dark arts. John and Sherlock were paired against each other and they were told to try to arm themselves against their opponent, so Sherlock would send a jinx towards john and john would attempt to protect himself from it by either disarming Sherlock or jinxing him.

As it turned out, Sherlock was very quick and agile with his wand and john ended up being paralyzed, tongue tied and frozen in place all very much to sherlocks amusement and johns misfortune, when it came to Sherlock defending himself though, he was still quick but when he got distracted, it was Sherlock that ended up hopping on one leg unable to stop.

"So I got you once then?" John laughed.

"I wasn't even looking, so that's not exactly fair." Sherlock complained.

"Okay Sherlock you win." John said sarcastically, causing both of them to burst out laughing.

They then headed off to get their lunch where john insisted that Sherlock came to sit at the gryffindor table and eat.

"Come on then Sherly, eat up" john encouraged him, "or I'll have to do the airplane."

"I'm not hungry."

"Right, I warned you." And with that john took sherlocks fork and weaved it around invisible obstacles and straight into Sherlocks mouth. Sherlock spluttered with laughter and then elbowed John in the ribs, who he then revived another mouthful whilst he was distracted.

"Oi, quit it john, I'm busy." Sherlock exclaimed in as stern a voice as he could muster throughout his laughter.

"Not until you've eaten it all." And then he pushed another mouthful into sherlocks mouth causing him to be silenced and have to swallow. No one has bothered to even look at them because Sherlock and john were of nobody's concern, they were just nerdy first years and were ignored by everybody older than them.

I'm the end of it though, john had somehow successfully managed to spoon feed Sherlock his whole meal and Sherlock hadn't tried to kill him. They headed back out into the cold breeze of the spring air, where Sherlock tightly wrapped his scarf around his thin pale neck and had turned had turned his collar up to the wind. John yet again began to shiver in the air and so Sherlock whipped out his wand and muttered, "Accio coat", john didn't realize until Sherlock has handed him the coat to put on.

Sherlock then walked on up ahead, his long strides through the dewy grass causing the moisture to soak through his trouser legs and seep through his shoes. John had to run to catch up with his tall friend and still Sherlock didn't stop until he reached the edge of the lake where he then sat down on the grass and pulled out a book.

John asked no questions on Sherlocks behavior because he knew Sherlock and was used to his random changes in mood, so instead of ask questions, john got down onto the grass also and leaned his back up against Sherlock so that they supported each other whilst they both read, Sherlock absorbed in a spell about jinx's and John flipping through a quidditch book and they stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, falling asleep against each other and only waking when they realized that it was darker and getting cold. 

they headed back up into the castle and went their separate ways, Sherlock to ravenclaw and john to gryffindor, where they fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

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