Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

    Coming to the lake, Rachel ran happily down the grassy slope to the water's edge, setting her shoes on the ground and slipping her feet into the cool refreshing lake. She stared at the shimmering glint of the sun dancing across its surface and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to imagine Demin and the life she had lost. It was still surreal in her mind, almost as if her home still stood. Rachel almost imagined that if she closed her eyes she could still hear her mother's worried voice calling her back to the house.

But no one seemed to worry much here. Alice and Kathryn might have kept their eyes on her at first, but it seemed that both had other more important things to do than worry about her all the time. Still, laying in the sun, immersed in her thoughts Rachel soon found herself remembering what Kathryn had revealed about Alice when they' first come to the lake together on her second day at the estate.

    Alice was in charge of their lives. Alice had control over Magnus's actions. Could it really be true? Now that she had grown accustomed to her new home it was all too easy to forget the frightening reality she knew lurked just beneath the surface of her comfortable existence.

Her master still owned her. He was still the frightening man who had slaughtered those two boys without hesitation. He was still the creature intent on taking her life. Of course, that felt surreal as well now. Almost as improbable as the fact that her old home, her parents, and everything she'd ever known were gone forever.

    Since taking her from Gifre's evil operation she had barely seen Magnus at all. It was Alice who served their Master most of his meals, Kathryn had told her. Rachel realized that the long life Alice had been granted may have indeed come from truly faithful service to the sibla man. But if that was the case, Alice jealously guarded all direct interaction with him. Maybe she didn't wish for another to win his favor and take her place, Rachel thought to herself.

Having wandered the estate on her own Rachel now fully understood that escape would be foolish. It was clear enough that her new home was too isolated. She had nowhere to go anyway. It seemed that the only way to extend her life and survive would be to gain the favor of Alice or Magnus. Since she was still frightened of the sibla man and was unlikely to get anywhere near him, that just left Alice. Unfortunately, the woman remained a bit of a mystery.

    In the days since Rachel had first arrived, she had settled into a bit more of a comfortable relationship with Alice. At least enough to live with her in peace. Though the woman was still cold, she was certainly never cruel. Still, Alice's true thoughts and intentions seemed as unknowable as ever.

It made Rachel wonder all the more about Kathryn's assessment of the human who Magnus cared for so much. Was Alice truly looking out for them, as Kathryn suspected? Or were their certain ones of the flock she protected more carefully... Could she be convinced to care for Rachel herself the way she seemed to care for Kathryn? After all, she'd apparently purchased Kathryn's life herself. She'd spared Kathryn from death at least twice. Rachel was determined to try to for her favor. She had to if she had any hope of surviving longer than Kathryn's companions had. Laying in the sun, enjoying the beauty and freedom of her new life she was even more determined to do whatever she could to keep it.

    Having decided to return early from her journey to the lake, in favor of being with other people, Rachel was surprised to find Alice alone in the kitchen when she made her way back to the house.

    "Rachel?" Alice said in surprise when she walked through the door. "I had expected you would linger longer outside today. The weather is beautiful after all."

    It was true of course. Finding herself alone with Alice Rachel almost began to question her decision to abandon the bright blue sky and soft white clouds for the stone walls of the basement kitchen. But she had investigating to do. Her time alone had made her all the more certain of that and now she had been granted a stroke of luck. What better chance would there be to speak with Alice in private? She never seemed to wish to talk after work after all.

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