How To Be Calm/Quieter In School

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It can easy to become super hyper in school when you're surrounded by your friends, but being so energetic can mean that you find it difficult to pay attention in class. Being calm and concentrated in school comes from being a more calm person in general life, so in this chapter I'll give some tips which personally helped me to become more calm.

Disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with having moments of hyperactivity and being slightly crazy, however it can affect your life negatively when you're seen as hyper all the time. Friends would often complain to me that I talked too much about random stuff and was generally too loud all the time, and that I needed to chill out sometimes.

Anyway, here are some tips on how to be a calm person in life which will directly affect how calm you are in school.

1. I've never tried meditation because I can never free myself from my thoughts, however so many people have preached the benefits from meditation and how it can relieve stress as well as making you more calm.

2. Listen to calm music before going to school/ seeing people as this will make you more relaxed and subdued.

3. Avoid overly sugary things which will fuel hyperactivity like candy and chocolate.

4. Speak when you have something to say, not just because you like to ramble on. Allow others to say things and try to make the spotlight less on you.

5. Be aware of when you become hyper, and try to limit these outbursts. As I said before, being overly energetic is fine in small amounts but people can become aggravated when it's a constant thing.

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