"I find that answer vague and unconvincing," K-2So said from the cockpit causing a glare from both Sage and Jade.

Jyn only took a deep breath and looked Cassian in the eyes, "Trust goes both ways."

Cassian thought for a long moment, staring at Jyn but he nodded nonetheless, walking back to the cockpit and sitting next to K-2 who protested, "You're letting her keep it?" Cassian stayed silent, putting on his seatbelts, "Would you like to know the probability of her using it against you?" Cassian just continued to turn on the ship, "It's high," K-2SO said.

"Let's get quiet," Cassian said, putting on his headset.

"It's very high," K-2SO added as the door to the ship shut and they took off.

It was a long ride there but each one of them found something to do. Jade took apart her blaster to clean it, as well as Sage's. Sage sat up by the cockpit to talk to Cassian and K-2SO who told her about what all the different buttons and switches did.

When they were about ten minutes awake, Jyn eyes opened quickly, coming out of a deep sleep she had been in for almost the whole ride there. 

Jade noticed but decided not to say anything on Jyn pulled a necklace out of her shit, a necklace that happened to have a kyber crystal as the center piece. Jade couldn't help but be curious, "where'd you get that?"

Jyn clenched onto it tightly, "My mother gave it to me before she-"

Jade only nodded, understanding what she meant. Cassian got out of the cockpit and told K-2SO, "We're coming into orbit, you have controls."

As he got up, Sage took his place to be quickly told my K-2 not to touch anything. Sage knew very well not to touch anything, though.

Jyn looked out at the planet that was below them, amazed. It was quite a beautiful sight that Jade never got tired of. Cassian had a moment of bliss as he looked down at it, "That's Jedha," he said sweetly causing Jyn to smiled and look up at him.

Cassian looked back at her and then realized who he was talking to, "Or what's left of it." He said darkly before continuing to get on his coat. He walked to the back of the ship, "We find Saw, we find your father."

The ship landed near a rocky ridge a while away from the city which they all climbed up to get a better look. There was a gigantic Imperial stardestroyer right above the city which ships were flying from and to.

Cassian laid on his stomach and got out his binoculars and Jyn kneeled down next to him, "What's with the destroyer?"

"It's because of Saw, he's been attacking the kyber shipments," Jade explained from behind as she stood next to K-2 and Sage who were talking to each other.

"What are they bringing in?" Jyn asked, referring to the multitude of ships going back and forth between the stardestroyer and city.

"It's what they are taking out," Cassian said, handing her the binoculars.

"Kyber crystal, all they can get. It was a mystery to why they were raiding the temple, now we know, it's for the super weapon you're father is helping make," Jade explained as she handed Sage's blaster to her.

"Even the child gets a blaster?!" K-2SO exclaimed, gesturing to Sage who only chuckled at him. 

"I gave her a kyber crystal to build a lightsaber when she was nine years old, she can handle a blaster," Jade said as she took what she needed out of her bag.

"Well now it's just give everyone a blaster but K-2 day!" He said causing Jyn to look back at him.

"Maybe we should leave target practice with the ship," Jyn said causing Sage to chuckle but quickly cover it up with a cough. 

"Are you talking about me?" K-2 asked.

"She's right, we need to blend in, stay with the ship," Cassian explained, taking things out of his bag and putting into Jyn's so they only had to bring one bag.

"I can blend in! I'm an imperial droid, Jedha is under imperial occuptation," K-2SO argued causing Jade to shake her head.

"Half the people here want to reprogram you, the other half want to put a hole in your head," Jyn said.

"I'm surprised you're so concerned with my safety," K-2 replied back as Jyn approached him with her bag.

"I'm not, I'm just worried they'll miss you and hit me," Jyn replied causing Sage to let out an obvious trying to be hidden laugh.

Jyn began walking down the ridge, leaving her back with K-2. Cassian pat him on the shoulder when he walked past him and Sage did as well as they all left.

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