"Please restrain yourselves from talking about food." Alaska frowned at them. "Just finish up, Sirena, your parent might've already signed your papers for getting discharged."

"Anyways," Lyra cut in. Her subway was already done and was thrown into the trash can. "I can't wait to go back to school."

"What?" Cress glanced up at her. "You actually like school?"

"Not really, I just want to go back. You know, see all our old friends and teachers again."

"You know, our grades are probably horrible right now. I doubt that we can pass our Junior year." Sirena retorted.

"What?" Cress immediately shrieked. " Oh gosh, no! I had completely forgotten about my grades! My whole future is now ruined!"

"Wasn't your future already ruined five years ago when all of us were getting killed by Zero?" Alaska drank her cup of water, raising her eyebrow.

"It is not funny, Alaska! My whole future is jeopardized now! How am I supposed to become a neurosurgeon?"

"Well, you can always become a therapist. Or just a nurse." Lyra suggested.

Cress lifted her head up and gazed darkly at her. Lyra immediately scrambled besides Alaska's side and hissed,"Scary."

Cress groaned and slumped in her seat, forgetting all about her subway and slamming her head on the table. Completely and utterly numb. Sirena tilted her head to the side and looked over to Cress and to the other two girls. "Is she okay?"

"She's probably dead. Physically and mentally." Alaska shrugged.

"Do something!" Lyra tugged on Alaska's arm.

"I got it! The doctors can simply revive her back." Sirena grinned.

Alaska stood up and headed over to the corner of the room, refilling her cup of water. "I think I have a simpler solution to the problem."

"Then hurry up and bring her soul back to life!"

Alaska nodded and stood right in front of Cress, patting her head gently. The next thing was unexpected. Alaska placed her cup of water over Cress' head and poured it down onto her, making Cress jumped up and whacking the cup away form her. "Oh my gosh! Don't ever do that again!" Cress glared solemnly at Alaska, who simply shrugged it off and picked up the plastic cup, throwing it away.

"Are we interrupting something here?" Lucy peeked her head inside the room and frowned at the girls. "Why is Cress drenched in water?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Cress grumbled as she slumped back into her chair. "The girls and I were having... fun."


"Yes, our definition of fun may be different than everyone else's, but that's why people are different from other people. Everyone is unique in their own way," Cress nodded. "Sort of."

Lucy widened her eyes a bit then nodded forcedly. "Right! Of course. Sirena, sweetheart, your father and I are done with signing the papers. Let's get you ready to get home."

"Finally!" Sirena cheered happily.

"Okay, let's get you changed and-" Lyra started, but Sirena raised both of her hands and shook them in disagreement.

"I have it covered," she said with a grin. Sirena threw off the covers completely and under it, she wore some dark skinny jeans, a plain white tee, and a discarded jacket that was just covered away under the blanket.

"How did we not even see that coming?" Lyra whispered to Alaska. She shrugged in response,"Don't ask me, I didn't even know patients at the hospital could wear their own clothes."

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