Chapter 1: Planewrecked

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BTW this story was raondomly inspired by the song above I heard it on the radio one time and had a massive lightbulb go off so yeah.

P.S.- the song is really freaking long holy Milktank sorry!

"Message in a Bottle" by The Police


Ash slowly opened his eyes blearily, suddenly blinded by white sand. 

He groaned and removed his face from the wet sand, and attempted to blink all the sand and salt that had painfully gotten into his eyes. 

"Wha... what happened?" he murmured to himself. Last night just seemed like a blur, a dream even. 

"Pika..." a small voice breathed behind him, and Ash sat up to see his best friend Pikachu washed up on the shore behind him. 

"Pikachu!" the boy cried and picked up the small yellow Pokémon. Pikachu blinked and shuffled around in his trainer's arms. "Pika pi?" he asked, which the boy could have only guessed that meant 'What happened?' 

"I don't really know buddy, but it doesn't look that great to be honest." Ash confessed, looking at their surroundings. They were on a blindingly white beach with a lot of tall seagrass growing in the sand, and maybe a sixty feet back there was a line of trees. In between was a think-looking barrier of shrubs, but were also short and would be easy to climb over. 

"Pikapi?" Pikachu asked his trainer curiously. "Just thinking Pikachu. Looks like we're kind of stuck for a while, so thinking about what to do next." Ash replied easily. It didn't look like there was any civilization anywhere near them, so clearly they would have to survive on their own. 

We would need shelter, food water for starters. And we might run into some of the native Pokémon, so that might be a problem. 

Huh, Ash noticed how he was suddenly so prepared for this. Maybe all those journeys from when I was ten finally are paying off. 

Pikachu suddenly leapt out of his arms and scampered away. "Hey wait up!" Ash called and scrambled to his feet in the sticky wet sand. Pikachu had gone a few yards, and was examining a large object. 

"Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed triumphantly and turned around to show Ash's new black backpack. "Hey my backpack! Nice find Pikachu." Ash praised his best friend and rubbed him on the head. Pikachu squealed in satisfaction, and then handed over the fabric object. Ash quickly unzipped it and went through its contents to see what had been ruined from the water. 

Most of the contents were actually okay, because stuff like the snacks were in plastic bags for the plane ride. His extra Poké balls were popped open and fried, completely useless. "Oh well." Ash sighed, holding one of the broken Poké balls in his hand. Pikachu sniffed it before scrunching his nose up in disdain. 

"At least we've got food and water for a little while. But it won't last us long." Ash decided. The close duo looked at each other, both having the same thought. They turned to look at the forest, which at the moment seemed to be their best chance.

The duo walked through the forest, only to find it was a tiny ring around a much more rocky center. They saw shadows and movement flitter through the leaves and dense bushes, but nothing attempted to bother them. 

"Looks like we're on our own for a while." Ash sighed to Pikachu quietly. He had left the Pokémon that had come with him back home from Kalos in Kanto at Professor Oak's ranch, and bringing Pikachu along with him as always. 

Can't say I don't regret that decision now, thanks to the predicament we're stuck in. 

It was midmorning, meaning the duo had woken up fairly early thanks to the bright sun and warm temperatures. They were now sweating, even though they had been in some fairly cool shade for most of their trek across this island, as what it seemed to be. To be honest, Ash didn't remember HOW they got to the island, he just remembered swimming, and literally that. Maybe he and Pikachu passed out floating on the ocean somewhere, and a kind enough water Pokémon brought them to the island. Or maybe they were just close enough and drifted ashore. Or maybe Ash even got them there himself, but had collapsed onto the beach right after. 

Who knows. Ash thought, pushing wondering out of his thoughts. It doesn't matter know. What matters is surviving and maybe even getting off this island. Though the second part wasn't a priority right now. 

"Pikachu, what do we need first- food, water, or shelter?" Ash asked his friend. Pikachu thought for a moment, before holding up two of his tiny fingers. "Water? Yeah, I'm kind of thirsty." He realized. Going through the forest is a lot tougher without anything resembling a path. He once heard you could go weeks without food, but only a few days without water. Waters priority. He decided. 

"Okay so where would water be? In the forest you think?" Ash asked. Pikachu looked at the rocky formations in front of them, and shook his head as if thinking. He turned to his trainer and nodded. 

"Let'z go then!" 

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