Once More, with Feeling

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Nesta wasn't even sure when they started doing this. One minute she thought she hated the brute and the next she had fallen into his bed. After the cauldron she thought she could never feel anything but hatred and anger again. And yet there was Cassian, always trying to make her smile. Always trying to make her believe in herself again, even when he didn't believe in himself.

It had taken some time but he had gotten to her. She started spending time with him, going flying and learning to fight. Slowly she stopped hating him. Now she couldn't get enough of him. He had taken her flying earlier, it was one of their daily activities. Now they had been at it for the better part of an hour. She had already come twice, yet Cassian was still holding on.

"One more," he whispered as he leaned down and kissed her cheeks. His lips were soft as they brushed over her nose, "come once more for me love."

Nesta's legs were shaking, her fingers had sliced tiny wounds in his forearms from the first round of pleasure. She was so sensitive, she wasn't sure she could do anything but shake as he continued to move inside her.

She gasped as he hit her most sensitive spot, "I can't. Cass," her words were a jumble of air. He moved slowly, leaning down and kissing her as her heart sped up. She would never get enough of him kissing her, touching her. She craved it even when they fell asleep in different rooms. He was her safe place, the only thing she found comfort in in this new world of hers.

As much as she hated to admit it, she needed Cassian.

His wings were spread out above her. They sparkled in the dying sunlight that filtered in from the window. They were beautiful, even more so now that they were healed. Nesta knew it was those moments, when he was broken and beyond reach to anyone but her, that had brought them together. Because he had been in a place only she understood. He had believed he wasn't worthy of anything, even life. And she was the one to pull him back, she was the voice of reason that made me want to live again.

"I love you," he whispered against her temple.

Her body started to shake even more. He knew this was her undoing. His hips moving slower, his deep voice whispering sweet words to her. She wasn't supposed to touch his wings, but he was allowed to do whatever it took to make her fall apart. She felt the tension, she didn't realize she had been so wound up until this moment.

Nesta's eyes filled with tears, her entire body shook, her back arched off the bed. Her nails dug into the grooves that were already there on his arms as she fell apart for the third time. Cassian smiled, it was the smile of a satisfied male, as her pleasure rushed through her, his name a prayer falling off her lips.

"Cassian," she gasped as he moved faster, his hands setting her on fire everywhere he touched. She moaned, "gods Cassian."

"That's it love," he pushed deeper and her toes curled, her eyes rolled backwards. He loved watching her fall apart underneath him.

Halfway through her third orgasm Cassian followed. Her body shook harder as he spilled himself inside of her. He loved this part, that she let him and only him leave a piece of himself inside of her. He was the only one Nesta allowed to see like this. The only male who had ever gotten close enough to make her scream his name not once, not twice, but three times in one hour.

They were both panting as their highs wore off. Cassian laid down beside Nesta, pulling her into his arms. She kissed him, with what little strength she had left. Her eyes were heavy, she was always exhausted after a round like tonight. It satisfied Cassian to no end, it stroked his pride, that he could make a female as beautiful and closed off as Nesta, as satisfied as she was in his bed.

It was no secret to anyone else in this house that he loved her. Nesta was still scared of the words, of the feelings that came along with him. But Cassian told her every chance he got that he loved her and he would love her even if she never whispered those three words back. Because she was there, she was the voice that pulled him out of the dark depression that followed the ruining of his precious wings.

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