Chapter 3 - Feelings? What feelings?!

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Chapter 3 - Feelings? What feelings?!

Patrick's POV

I froze in my seat as Mia gave me a peck on my cheek. It feels nice that someone appreciates my presence so much. I smiled at the thought. 

"So, now that Mia is not around, tell me Patrick... what are your real intentions towards my friend?" Sandra said as she cleared her throat. 

"Huh? Intentions? What do you mean?" I asked in reply. I mean, what does she think I'm doing towards Mia? Did I do something? 

"Oh c'mon! You're leading her on! Don't tell me you're just playing with her feelings!" She retorted back. 

Honestly, I was taken aback. Me? Leading her on? Seriously... is she really talking about me?

"Look. She's just a friend. I am just appreciating her feelings towards me. I don't wanna hurt her feelings by ignoring her or anything just because she confessed her feelings towards me." I answered, shrugging. "Plus, I am not doing anything in return. It just so happen that she willingly does things on her own." I added. 

"Oh my gosh. You make it sound like this is not a big deal. It's Mia that we're talking here!" Sandra exclaimed. 

"Sandra, I am just happy and appreciative that Mia and the other girls like my presence. I am just returning back the sweet gestures that they are doing to me. Look, I am not even flirting back at Mia. I'm just being nice as a good friend of hers!" I said, justifying my actions. 

"Dude, because we're friends I am telling you right now that I think you're about to make a jerk move." Jeremiah suddenly said, starting to contribute something in the conversation. 

"Yeah, I think so too. I mean, geez man, that girl has been tailing you for years! Does that not count for you as something special?" Caleb added. 

"Wow guys. Seriously? Am I the one to blame? You guys make it sound like I forced her to do it. She's doing it at her own prerogative." I simply stated. 

"Oh puh-leaaase. If I know you just like the feeling of being liked and the care, concern, and attention that she gives to you... and that goes for the other fangirls you have." Sandra said as she crossed her arms. 

Wow. Seriously, what's up with them? They make me sound like I'm a bad guy. What's wrong with appreciating a girl's affection? As if I asked them to do it. I mean, I allow them to do whatever in respect to their feelings towards me, but that doesn't mean I have to like them back... right? 

"Dude, I think it's either you stop leading her on or just admit you like her too." Brendon suggested. 

"HAH! There is nothing to admit and I am not leading her on." I replied, still sticking to whatever I believe in. 

"Just make sure to let her know that fine line between love and appreciation. She might see it as a mixed signal." Dwayne said, breaking his silence. 

"Geez. Just don't do anything flirty towards my friend if you don't mean it. She's not like your other girls." Sandra simply said, as she start to let out a heavy sigh. 

"Don't worry guys. I am not breaking anybody's heart in here. I am just up for fun and appreciation. Whatever I do is just a way of showing how much I appreciate their likeness towards me, nothing more, nothing less." I simply stated, ending the conversation. 

"Someone's cocky~" Sandra muttered almost just to herself. 

Come to think of it I have no idea why on earth Mia ended up liking me. We get to talk for the first time during summer after third grade. She has been my neighbor ever since I was a kid but I didn't bother talking to her back then.  

I don't think I did anything special to her. By the time we reached fourth grade she acts like my tail. She starts sending me gifts, giving me cookies that she baked herself, and she even starts to go to my house and be my personal alarm clock! At first it's kind of bothersome, but then I realized that having a fangirl isn't a bad thing. I mean that's how she described herself to me before... that she's my fangirl. Also, she's not doing anything harmful... she's even helpful... way too helpful than anybody else. 

Plus, it's not like it's my first time to have a girl tailing me, I guess I start to have fangirls because... I'm awesome? I really dunno. They're just appreciating me for a reason. Who am I to say no to those things that they're willing to do? 

I'm not a jerk... right? I mean, as far as I can recall my actions does not translate to me liking her back. I am pretty sure my actions towards her are clear enough for her to understand. I mean, she's smart, so I'm pretty sure he'll get my actions. 

Also, I'm not yet ready to fall in love. The thought of me being committed and all in a serious romantic relationship have never occurred to me yet. I'm still enjoying the single life! I am still having fun being able to mingle with lots of pretty girls that are all willing enough to flirt and all. Why settle when the fun is about to just get better? 

Sure she did expressed her feelings towards me a lot of times. But that does not necessarily mean that I should like her back just because she likes me right? I don't know what to feel towards her anyway. For now, I just want her as a friend. I am not even flirting with her because I don't want to hurt her feelings. She's too kind and innocent to feel such thing. I'm pretty sure that she's just in a phase. Soon enough she'll like somebody else, maybe she really isn't serious about this yet. Oh whatever. 

Mia, Mia, Mia. I really don't know what to do with you anymore. 


Author's note:

There ya go! It's a glimpse of Patrick's pov about Mia's feelings towards him. 

What do you think of Patrick now? Is he now considered a jerk? Is his justification valid? 

Things are starting to get better from this point onwards! I'm still in the process of character development though, so yeah. 

Thoughts? Violent reactions? New ideas? Suggestions? :)

Vote and comment! I appreciate every single feedback you are giving me. 

Let's make this story more interesing! Help me build the plot! Message me your thoughts and insights! I like involving my awesome readers in my first ever story here on Wattpad. :D

To all my readers (if ever I really do have readers in here, hahaha) thank you very much for checking out my story. For the time and effort that you wasted in giving my story a shot is something that I really, really appreciate. I'll do my best! 

Next update will be within this week again! Yay! 

Kudos to everyone! Have a good day! :D


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