In Love with the Devil

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This for you all who likes the story of Fane and Luna

You have to read "Call Me.. If You Dare" First before you read this.



I Love you, Luna'

'My Luna..'

'Oh, Fane'

When I lean closer to the man that I known as boyfriend for a week, Dominic Fane, suddenly turned from human into the demon with red eyes, black wing and a horn in his head.




Gasped, I quickly jump out from my bed to see darkness around my room.

This is the third time I have weird dream like that. I guess this is the effects for reading Zafi's book too often about Luna and Fane story.

Sighing, I stroke my hair to feel it wet from the sweat before take a glance to the clock.

2 AM..

This is the third times of this week I've dream like that. it all started since I accept Fane as my boyfriend.


What's wrong with him?

I sense the possessiveness and big passion come from him, like he knows me this whole time but the fact that I just know him for a month and it quite scare me.

Like today...

Oscar just come to asks about the material in Uni at lunch time when Fane come with and he look furious when he saw me in the cafeteria with Oscar who flew as fast as he can when he see Fane dangerous expression.

Noone ever treat me like that, I like his possessiveness but we just being together for a week and the way he act like we've been together for whole time.

Then the dream..

Lucifer as him..

Ohh God, I think I read Zafi's story too deep.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring...


I turn my head before grab my Iphone beside the pillow.


In Love with the Devil (Sequel of "Call Me.. If You Dare")Where stories live. Discover now