Initium Novum (Thats Latin)

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Sage's POV

"Sage?" Dean's eyes widened.
"I hope I didn't snore while I was out" I joked to try and make things fine, but Dean immediately rushed and hugged me tightly. He hugged me as if he knew me for years.
"Sage what the hell happened?" Sam asked. "Well, Lilvia forgot to mention that only my aunt can kill her and basically both of us are immortal"  I tried to dismiss the idea. They looked at me shocked, not believing the very words that came out of my mouth and how I took it too lightly.
"But it's all over now I guess" I tried to reassure them.
"But Sage this is not okay" Sam looked concerned.
"I understand you're concerned and I really appreciate that, but I swear I'm okay" I smiled, showing that I really am fine.
"I promise you I can't hear her voice in my head anymore" I promised them.
"Okay" Dean replied.
"Well now that whole conversations over, I guess it's time to clean up this place!" I exclaimed. They finally laughed upon hearing me exlaim.

"Alright I think that's everything" I said wiping the sweat off my forehead. Sam and Dean were left huffing after cleaning every part of the house with me.
"Do you guys want breakfast?" I asked.
"Sorry we would, Sage. But we actually have places to go" Sam sighed.
"Ah it's alright. Maybe next time I could treat you for some breakfast" I smiled. "You could treat us now" Dean smirked. This made Sage giggle. "No I think it's best if I make breakfast the next time we meet" I smiled.

The sun shone in my eyes but in a pleasant way. I walked with the Winchesters until they reached their car. "You take care of yourself, Sage"  Dean smiled. "Yeah I will" I replied. "And if you need anyone to go to, you can stay with Jody Mills. She's in Sioux Falls" Sam said. "I'm gonna miss you guys" I smiled. They both came in and embraced me warmly. This is when I realized how close I got to the Winchesters. It was just yesterday when I met them but I feel like I already trust them with my life. At this moment I've realized, I found my family.

"Oh I almost forgot!" I exclaimed and pulled away from the hug to run back inside. I ran to the kitchen got a slice of the leftover apple pie we had and placed it in a container.
I then ran and grabbed my family's polaroid camera.
Sam and Dean both raised their eyebrow as I got back with the polaroid camera in my hands. "It's the only family rule I wouldn't mind following" I shrugged. I turned on the camera and adjusted the settings. "Alright give me your best smile!" They both smiled as I counted down and took a photo. A blank photo was printed out but in a while. "It's a keeper" I laughed and placed it in my pocket.

I gave them one last hug before I told them the way out of the forest. I waved at them before seeing the Impala disappear in the acres of trees.

I felt calmer knowing that they got out alive and that I managed to save them. I noticed that there weren't demons out anymore. I couldn't hear them. It made me smile knowing that it was all over. I never had to worry about leaving the house.


I hopped onto my bed and immediately felt the warm sheets heating up, releasing the cold feeling of autumn. I pulled out the blankets and rubbed my face on the soft fabric. Spooky hopped onto the bed and into my arms.


The rain fell ever so pleasantly. I felt the raindrops fall on my hair. A storm was to come but all seemed peaceful. I decided to walk to the porch and watch the rain fall from there. As I sat on the porch, I felt goosebumps forming behind my neck.

She's here.

I looked to the chair next to me and saw her smiling.
"Well hello again Sage" she said.
"Hi" I replied.
"I bet you're happy to see me again huh?" She said, sitting with her legs crossed.
I just shrugged.
"Nice weather we're having today" She said.
"Why did you not come back Lilvia?" I asked.
"Oh now we're going there" she groaned.
"No I mean. Why didn't you fight back and take over once I came back?" I asked.
"Well I gotta admit, you're tougher than you look. You have some kind of fire in you" She grinned.
"Oh, well that's nice to know" I looked confused.
"Sage, bad people can change. I mean look at me. I'm a demon and I'm Lilith's daughter. I'm supposed to be the baddest of the bad. But I guess you can see how that worked out" she sighed.
"It's weird hearing that from the literal spawn of Satan" I laughed.
She laughed too.
"Listen Sage, I wanna help you" She said, now a bit more serious.
"Yeah I wanna do something good. I mean what's the point in taking over all the time? I'm gonna get bored eventually" She crossed her arms.
"So what about hell?" I asked
"I don't give a damn about hell. Not all demons enjoy hell you know" She said angrily.
"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.
"I'll help you when you're in danger. Well if I feel like it" She smirked.
"How does demon powers sound to you?" She raised her eyebrow.
"Sure why not?" I shrugged.

Lightning struck close and in a blink of an eye, Lilvia wasn't there anymore. The rain was still pouring a bit harshly but the sound soothed me.

Waking up was the strangest part. The dream of Lilvia and I was too surreal. I felt a sense of guilt knowing all the possibilities of what might happen next. Anything could change in a blink of an eye. One day I'm fine but next thing the Winchesters could be hunting me down. I could've told the Winchester but I'd cause more trouble. They'd worry and I'll end up being a burden.

It's going to be okay.

I wasn't sure who exactly said those very words. I could've been me or Lilvia, but whoever said it, was probably right.

Aaaaaand this concludes Midnight Special (Supernatual Fanfic) I hope you enjoyed reading this and I'd like to thank everyone who has read this fanfic since the first chapter came up. Although it may seem upsetting that this is the last chapter, FEAR NOT! FOR AN EPILOGUE IS ABOUT TO BE RELEASED (probably on Christmas or before) and yes you guess it. ANOTHER FANFIC WITH SAGE'S ADVENTURES!
Thanks again
-Latifa (the meme)

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