The Forest

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Nebraska National Forest

As the cool breeze brushed against the leaves, it caused a quiet rustle. The sound of footsteps began to build up as a couple began walking through the forest.

"Come on hurry up Nat" a guy called out and signaled a girl who huffed as she was struggling to walk further.

"This is so stupid why are we even here, Ethan?" She said brushing her hair to a side and rolling her eyes.

Ethan looked at the girl and smirked. "What?" Nat asked looking annoyed. "Natalie Elizabeth Ennis, are you telling me you're scared?" He teased. "Dude. Just call me Nat" she groaned "And seriously. I am not scared" She added. "Wait babe keep your voice low" He shushed.
"What's wrong?" She asked now feeling a bit concerned.

"It's The Ghost Of Frost!" He yelled. Nat let out a piercing scream of fear as Ethan suddenly burst out laughing. Nat, feeling upset punched Ethan's shoulder "That's not funny Ethan" she said through gritted teeth. "Ahh you should've seen your face" he laughed harder "I can't believe my girlfriends a wimp" he continued laughing as he wiped the tears forming from laughing too hard.

Suddenly a sinister chuckle filled the air that silenced Ethan's laughter. The couple looked around them until their eyes met on a woman who was dressed in a black leather jacket and a simple shirt with jeans and boots. "Oh wow. This outta get some attention" She grinned. "What are you talking about?" Nat asked with a hint of fear in her voice. "Oh sweetheart. You two are the bait" she said pouting her lips but soon her expression shifted to a smile as her eyes went from hazel to pure black.

Natalie let out a scream before silenced as her neck was snapped in less then a second with just a flick of the woman's fingers.
"No Nat!" Ethan yelled in a pained voice. "Oh no Nat!" The woman mocked. "Guess you'll have to join her now won't you?" She said lifting her fingers up but as soon as she did, a shattering noise caused her to howl in pain. A quick shadowy figure wearing a black hoodie appeared and grabbed Ethan's arm as they both began to run "Hey wait who the hell are you?" He asked angrily. "I'm Sage but I'm here to save you" She replied. He stopped and forcefully pulled his arm away "Wait no!" She yelled and as soon as Ethan turned back the woman in the leather jacket smiled and plunged her fist into Ethan's chest. The life in his eyes left as his body fell to the ground. "You're next sweetheart".

"Crap" were the only words that escaped Sage's lips. She smashed another glass bottle on the woman's face and began running the opposite direction. "For once, could I not have just stayed at home? I just had to be the hero. Ah geez. What am I getting myself into?" She rambled.

As she thought she finally escaped the woman she was then cornered. The woman managed to catch up from behind and a man in front of her smiled as he glared his black eyes at her. She stopped and  felt her heart beat faster as she looked behind her and in front of her "Sweetheart you've got nowhere to run" the woman behind her snickered. "Come on don't be like that" the man in front of her whined. "You're special and you know that. So join us" The woman gave a smile, hopeful Sage would actually agree. Sage looked confusingly at the woman then back at the man.

"Hell no" Sage said in a high pitched tone. She quickly picked up a glass bottle from her pocket and flung it at the man in front of her. She ran past him but felt a strong tug on her arm. She fell back and puffed and quickly got up to her knees. Now furious the man in front of her glared but she pulled him closer and stabbed him. He wailed in pain and as Sage pulled the knife off him, his body dropped dead to the floor, finally getting the chance to run flee.

She didn't look back. She was blindly running through the dark forest, not looking where she was going.

She suddenly lost her footing and began tumbling painfully down a hill. She felt like it would be soon that she would reach her death but after a few seconds her face met the hard floor.

What the hell
she thought as she opened her eyes. She gasped as she found out she wasn't in the forest anymore. Instead she was in the middle of a road. She looked in front of her and saw a black car in front "Oh cool" she said getting up to examine it. She looked behind "hmm Impala" she said with a sturgeon face and nodded quite pleased with whoever owned this car.

"Ugh what am I doing?!" She said in a miserable tone. "I'm supposed to know where I am! Not gaze at someone else's car" she said rubbing her short curly brown hair. She saw a bar in front of her and sighed.

"I hate bars" she groaned but still she walked towards the door and took out a vial of salt and walked inside and quickly emptied it out at the entrance. She looked around and took a deep breath in.

Ayye this is my first Supernatural fanfic (not counting the parody one) I'll be sure to update this and favorite this or comment if you want to share your opinions on this and hopefully you (awesome person who's reading this) enjoy this and I'll try to update this as soon as I can.
Latifa (the meme)

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