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Standing in the same spot for an hour made my leg feel like jelly. The paint had fully dried on my skin, it felt like a face mask that tightens after so many minutes except the feeling was everywhere.

Gerard ordered me to do certain poses, most of the poses were of me covering my eyes with my charcoal black hands or doing other random movement with my darken hands.

It felt weird having my tattoos non-visible, the artworks, the messages that littered my skin where covered, not a single line from the drawings showed through the powered that sat upon my skin.

"I think that should do it" Gerard's velvet like voice echoed through the loft as I stood there spaced out. I shook my head from the thoughts looking up to him. His gaze never left the camera until I spoke up.

"Ten bucks I look horrible in them" I chuckled walking over to him. He looked up to me with a sadden look but it was quickly wiped off within seconds, almost like my own words had effected him but wasn't allowed to show it.

He now smiled at me softly before opening his mouth.

"I guess I win the bet then" He smirked standing up from the leaning position as I stood beside him. He titled the screen for me to the see photos, I glanced down seeing photo after photo of me in numerous positions.( A/N LMAOOO I don't know why that sounds so funny to me😂)

I inner groaned at my appearance but couldn't tell him that I indeed hated the way I look since he seemed overly happy about how they looked, so decided to keep my lips zipped shut I smiled. 

I watched lazily as He unscrewed the camera from the tripod, lifting it up in his snow white hands and walked over to his desk where his computer laid. He placed the camera down beside the laptop, connecting it with a cord which I assumed was to transfer the photos. 

The only noise that could be heard was the clicking of the mousepad echo through the silence before he stood up rather quickly from his chair as he phone rang, like it had scared him from a trans. He glanced down, eyebrows furrowed before he picked the phone up, swiping with his thumb to answer. From the distance I could see his hand shaking slightly but never the less he answered the phone giving me an apologetic look.

I pointed my finger over to where his bathroom was, gesturing to him thats where I was wondering off too so I could clean up and give him his privacy. He nodded with a small smile before turning around before he spoke. 

I padded my feet through the empty space of his loft before entering to the door to his large bathroom. 

"Hello-" Was All I heard from Gerard before I shut the door quietly. As Much as I wanted to ears drop on his conversation, I reframed from doing so and opened his shower door, turning the water onto warm. 

 I didn't even bother to tell him I was having a shower but I helped my self to it. I stripped from my pants and boxers, leaving them to lay upon his tiled floor and stepped in the shower.

I stood under the water and watched as the steaming water made contact with the black and red paint, the two colours mixed into one as they swirled around in the water that surrounded my feet. 

I let the water ran down my face, brining my hands up to wipe the black paint away causing it to smudge everywhere since I also had black charcoal all over my hands, great.

After ten minutes of furious scrubbing of my skin to the point where it felt like it was on fire, I had manage to get the paint off but the charcoal had stain my skin, tints of black still coated my hands, my tattoos but as long as it didn't come off on things it was okay I suppose.

The artist and Misunderstood (frerard)Where stories live. Discover now