Chapter 7-More Trouble?

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I placed the cup on the bar and looked at the green haired fae. It suddenly came to my attention I never asked his name. I looked up and instantly felt effects from the drink I didn't know could happen. It usually takes a couple minutes for any drink to start taking effect.

The room was brighter, the music seemed louder, and I felt like I drank 3 coffees, yet the room was hazy and slow. But it was barley anything, I still felt slightly conscious to any choices I could make. I turned to the boy and leaned closer to him than normally.

"What's your name, anyway?" My eyes roamed at the bar and its menu. There was a drink that matched similar to the one I drank. 'Angel's Treat' was the name of the drink. It didn't have any facts about it, though, but it seemed like a drink safe for a Shadowhunter. Unless it's pure irony, which suddenly makes me paranoid, until I turn away and suddenly it didn't matter. It was like losing focus, and memory.

"Call me Norman." He grinned and ordered another drink, I could clearly hear him speak 'Angel's Treat' this time. He handed me the cup and I just held it in hand after seeing him order himself a drink with a different title. "You're in for a fun night, you're going to love it." He grinned and sipped from his cup before looking at me to do the same.

The drink tasted exactly like the title the second time. At first, it tasted good-sweet yet tangy- but now it was more sweeter and tangy. It was- heavenly in a drink to be honest. It wasn't bad at all, quite the opposite, with every sip, it just compelled me to drink it more. Thinking back to what Norman said I regained focus on him which felt impossible, my mind kept roaming over unimportant topics.

"What does that mean this night is going up be 'fun?'" I demanded but still sipped from my drink.

"It means, I would like to dance with you. Dancing is fun." He smiled innocently at me, and took my hand, I could feel his warmth, it made me not want to let go.

Norman lead me to the dance floor that was surrounded by various dancers, and people talking, or dancing and talking. I normally don't dance but right now it seemed like my favorite hobby. I could feel the effects slightly getting stronger, but now it felt as if all my senses were stronger. I could feel Norman's warm hand against mine, the music with its every base and lyric, I could even look across the room and see what was in its path.

Norman began dancing first, releasing my hand, and I could easily feel myself falling into his steps. Finding myself more giggly, and talkative I started conversations with him. Completely ignoring anyone and everything, including my quest to reach Magnus. The thought to go to Magnus was in my head, I still remember who he is and why I was down here in the beginning, but it seemed irrelevant at the moment.

"Sooo, do you like the partyy." I smiled at my long dragging words, but I couldn't control it. I could be worse, but I'm not.

"Most definitely. Magnus throws amazing parties and I met you." He winked.

"You come here often?" I laughed a little, I could've used that as a perfect pickup line.

"This is my 5th time at Magnus's party. So, in a way, yes." He took my hand, pulling me closer while still dancing.

Norman placed his hands around my waist and I placed mine around his neck. I felt my body giving in into anything, nothing seemed like a bad idea. We danced in circles, moving to the beat and around the floor. For a moment when we turned, my locked with Magnus once more. He was surrounded by multiple people, who seemed to be trying to talk to him, but he was silent, and staring at me with Norman seemed more important. His eyes were strong, and I could see him raise his eyebrow up an inch.

I could suddenly feel lips to my ear, jerking my attention away from Magnus. "Want to go upstairs?" Norman whispered.

Normally a completely sober, smart person would say hell no to someone they just met. But I was not sober, and I felt any idea was a good idea so I just went with him. He had my hand and lead me into a room upstairs.

We soon were in a room, the door closed and I was jerked onto a bed at a speed enough to make me gasp. The door was shut, but by the outside. So whoever was in the room wasn't Norman.

What did I get myself into?

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