Chapter Nine - Don't Forget About Me

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Mark's POV:

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you."

Her words echoed through my skull. It hurt like hell. I went to speak, but when I looked back down, she fell asleep. I felt my cheeks get hot as the tears fell harder. I sat down and kissed her hand lightly.

"I'm so sorry."

I busted out of the room and went to the front office.

"Excuse me! Help, Emma was awake a second ago, she doesn't remember me," I felt myself force out.

"We will write a note down for the doctor."

"What? She doesn't remember me! Does that not seem to be important? Her brain is probably damaged!"

"Sir, calm dow-"


There was so much pain built inside of me, I felt angry. I slowly backed from the desk and stormed out of the hospital. I got in my car and laid my head down on the steering wheel, softly. I started the car but it seemed my radio hated me.

"Don't forget a bo-bo-bo-bo-bout me. Don't forget a bo-bo-bo-bo-bout me. Even when I doubt you, I'm no good without you. No, No."

I started to cry. I've never felt worse in my whole life. I physically hurt. I was trembling, trying to see the road clearly. Suddenly, I couldn't see because my tears fogged my glasses and eyes. I was forced to pull over. I never hated myself so much until I faced this moment right here.


Your POV:

I was trapped in my own head. It was like watching an intense movie, as I watched all my memories play and die off. My brain was forcing me to forget.


"Emma, sweetie. I talked to your father"

I removed the earbud from my right ear and paused the Markiplier video on my screen.

"Hun, your going to Vidcon!"

I screamed and jumped out of my seat, crying tears of joy.

"Oh my god mom, that's amazing! Thank you so much!"

I hugged her, as she slightly laughed at my over excitement. I've dreamed of meeting Markiplier for three years now. I just can't believe its happening.


I stepped back from the memory as it started to catch flame, The last thing I watched was Mark's amazing face, fade away.

"Stop!" I screamed as I'd hit the screen.

I can't do anything. I'm trying so hard to fight it and to remember but I can't do anything. With each burned memory, my body felt as if shock waves went through it.

"No..." I said softer, falling to my knees.

I really couldn't do anything, so I started to cry. I looked up to see a spotlight. My gut told me to stay away, but I couldn't. I started to follow it like a lost dog.


Mark's POV:

"Clear," I heard through her room.

I busted in to see her heart rate dropping and them shocking her.

"EMMA!" I screamed, tears falling down my face again.

I just got my tears under control.

"I'd run home and cry to my mom but that just gained me my first nickname, "Cry Baby"."

Her played over and over in my head.

"Cry Baby"

I felt weaker as it echoed more and more.


Your POV:

Right before I reached the spotlight, I turned around to see Mark, crying in front of me. Which way do I go? Mark, or the light? Peace, or love? Suddenly, my choice wasn't an option anymore.


Everything around me fell black.


Mark's POV:

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Her heart rate is normal again. They all left the room. I walked up to her bedside and sat down. I grabbed her hand.

It's all my fault.

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