Important Note

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If you're reading this you just finished my story, I want to thank you.

I know I'm not the perfect writer, I'm not the best, but I love writing and I love that I get such amazing feedback from you guys.
You will never know how much that means to me.

I wanted to address some important topics about this story:
Sexual assault.

I know you don't typically open Wattpad and see dozens of stories about sexual assault, it's not something people like to write about.

I don't even like to write about it.

I know I've gotten the question "why would you write detailed descriptions and mentions of it in two of your stories if you don't like to write about it?"
I write these scenes and I put it in my stories because it's something that needs to be talked about and discussed.

Sexual assault is a huge issue.

1 out of every 6 women in America have been the victim of attempted or completed rape in her lifetime.

1 in 6 men in the world will experience sexual violence by the age of 18

1 in every 2 transgender individuals have experienced sexual violence.

Those numbers are ridiculous and it's only getting worse.
We need to stand against sexual assault and eventually put an end to it

But things won't get better until we start educating people.
People need to know the true definition of sexual assault, it needs to be clear to them.
People need to know that men can get raped too.
They need to know that women can be the rapists as well.

I'm a volunteer at my local sexual assault hotline, I go to events and donate and do charity walks and wear the shirts and give out the pins and brochures.
I am doing my best to inform and encourage people to speak up and stand against it.

It's hard to write, especially when you have personal experience with sexual assault, but I know that by writing that I will reach at least one person who was affected by sexual assault and appreciates that.
I know that someone will relate to Vic.
I know that I do, and that's enough for me to write it even if it's hard.

If any of you are upset because of the contents of this story, please message me and we can talk about it.

If you are upset for any reason at all, If you're sad, or if you just need someone to talk to I'm always here as well.
Any of you can message me on here or on kik, or even on Instagram.

If you want to discuss my story, my personal story, or my work against sexual assault I would love for you to message me.

Thank you if you read this all the way through I hope this explains some.

Thank you.

Only Saving Grace I Ever Had (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now