Me - The girl who should've died...

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  • Dedicated to All those poor people out there who have lost love ones

"Mum, mum, turn the radio up its Katy Perry!!!" My sister shouted with joy.

"No hun, I don't want to listen to her again for the 60th time today." My mum answered laughing.

"Fine..." she sighed. I smiled. It was snowing heavily now. We really needed to get home before the road starts getting slippery. We could only see about two meters infront of us.

"Woah! Hang on guys we're slipping!" Dad yelled. The car ran into a pole and burst into flames, the blue paint of the car melting, my mum, dad and sister screaming, their bodies charred and blackened. The rescue crews grabbing me first instead of the three other people in the car.

I woke up screaming. I was sweating heavily. I hated going to sleep. That nightmare haunted me every night. I was pulled out of the flaming car, when they could've saved my mum, my sister AND my dad. But they choose to save me. I should've died and then my mum, dad and my sister would've survived. I was in hospital for four weeks, but not because of my many injuries but because of my mental condition after watching the people that I loved die. I was to go to an orphanage because no one wanted to look after someone like me.

Some one who couldn't speak.

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