Asami's mom giggled. "Of coarse. C'mon. Let's get you all comfortable and to bed".

Asami lifted the spoon up to Korra's lips. Korra slurped the soap. She swallowed and then sighed.

Korra looked at Asami.

"You don't have to feed me", she said. "I think I can do it myself".

Asami smiled. "It's no problem, Korra. Really and I want to".

"Why am I in your bed instead of mine??", Korra questioned.

Asami shrugged. "I just wanted you to be comfortable while you were resting", she replied simply.

Korra looked down at her lap. Asami frowned.

"Is something wrong??", she asked.

Korra shrugged. "Just thinking".

Asami place the bowl of soup on her lap, holding it both hands.

"Wanna tell me about what??".

Korra looked at her. "Why??".

Asami raised an eyebrow. "Why what??".

"Why me??", Korra asked. "I just don't understand why you chose to be my friend. Out of everyone in this castle, you chose a servant girl as your friend. You stuck up for me, you protected me. Even when neatly everyone else looked down on me and treated me like dirt, you were kind and caring towards me. I thank you but still. Why??".

Asami smiled. She reached a hand out and took one of Korra's hands.

"Because I care about you, regardless of status. I wouldn't care if you were a beggar on the street or a princess in a castle. You're sweet and kind and funny and yes I've said this to you before but I'll say it again. You're more kinder and more fun than anyone I've ever met and that's what I like about you".

Asami gently poked Korra's nose, making Korra smile.

"Don't forget that".

Korra nodded. "I'll try".

Asami looked down at the nearly empty bowl in her lap.

"I'll be right back", she said, getting up.

She walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Asami", she heard someone call her name.

Asami turned around. Her father was walking towards her.

"Yes, dad??", she said.

King Hiroshi walked up to his daughter.

"You said that Unaloq was the one that kidnapped and tried to kill Korra, correct?".

Asami nodded. "Yeah".

Her father nodded his head slowly. He folded in arms, stroking his short beard in thought.

"Then we'll have to increase security until he's caught and arrested. Now that he knows you're around Korra, he'll probably try to get rid of you and your friends to get to Korra".

Asami felt herself clentched up at the thought.

"I won't let him get to her again", she swore boldly.

Hiroshi was surprised at her tone of voice.

"I'm sure you won't", he said. "Just be careful from now on. You'll have guards with you if you ever leave the palace".

Asami nodded. "Alright. Where are my friends??".

"They're resting", Hiroshi said. "You should be too".

Asami nodded. Hiroshi took a step foward. He lightly kissed the top of Asami's head.

"I love you", he said, taking the bowl from her hands. "And I'm proud of you".

Asami smiled. "I love you too".

The king stepped away. "Get some rest", he said.

Asami nodded. Hiroshi turned and walked away. Asami turned and walked back into the room. She saw Korra getting out of her bed.

"Korra", Asami said, hurrying over to her.

Korra stopped and looked up at her. Asami walked up to her, taking her by the arm.

"Let me help you. You're shaking".

Asami assisted Korra across the room over to her bed. Settling down, Asami helped Korra into bed. She pulled the blanket up.

"Warm??", she asked.

Korra nodded. "Thank you, your highness".

Asami gave her a look. "I told you to call me by my name", she said.

Asami sat on the bed. "You'll be okay??. Need anything??".

Korra shook her head. "No, thank you".

Asami smiled. "Get some sleep. You've been through a lot tonight".

Asami reached out and took Korra's left hand. She once again felt the tingling in her arm.

Korra smiled. "Yeah. I guess so. But so have you so go to sleep too".

Asami nodded.

"If you need something, don't be afraid to wake me up. Please do so. I don't want you to get hurt trying to get something yourself".

Korra nodded. "I will".

Asami turned and walked over to her bed, getting in. She sighed and turned out the light. She laid her head down on the pillow.

She gently gripped the sword that was safely laying beside her.

Like she told her father, she wasn't going to let anything or anyone hurt Korra.

So yeah. Comment what you think :)

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