Chapter 3

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The phone's ringing and when I pick it up it's my moms sobbing voice.


"Yeah mom?"

"Get down here. Hospital."


"Grace it's your Grandma."

"I'm on my way."


The hospital always looked strange to me. I hate them. I hate insane asylums too. Hate them. Hate them. I hate them.

Room 46A.

"Gran?" There's a tiny old lady in the bed. At first I don't think it's her; but it is. She makes the effort to give me a smile.

"Hey Gran." I smile back.

"You'll be okay without me love," She says. And when she talks it's raspy.

"Thanks for waiting for me," I thank her and she just smiles again.

"Love you," She says.

"I love you more."

"I love you more cause I'm bigger."

"I love you more cause I'm littler,"

I say, making her smile.

"Oh gosh Gran...," I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"Look Grace, I want you to get yourself a nice life. A man who loves you more than words can explain. And Grace just be happy."

"I promise I will Gran."

"I love you," She says

"I love you too-" But I'm too late. My Grans gone.


Work goes by slow. I hate it. My co-worker and friend Ella notice my blue mood.

"Why so low?" She asks.

"My Grandma passed away Thursday," I say.

"I bet she was an amazing Grandma," Ella says.

"Yeah she was," I say and I'm far away, somewhere I don't even know the name of.

"Well it's my turn for dishwasher duty," Ella says.

"Okay," I say as she smiles at me.


I open the door to the cool October weather. The leaves are changing colors and the crisp air is exactly what I desire. Don't get me wrong the coffee house is amazing but it gets a tad bit stuffy in there sometimes. I walk down to the huge park and sit on a bench. I'm looking out and all the sudden I see Harry taking pictures with one of those professional cameras. I causally walk over to him to see if he notices me.

"Hello Grace," Harry says, noticing me as a I walk by.

"Good afternoon," I say.

"Okay so this morning it was gangster now its proper Queen of England?" Harry jokes.

"Very funny," I say.

"Got any plans for tonight?" Harry asks as his eyes twinkle. They shine and glisten like stars in the sky.

"No. I don't think so. Why?" I ask

"Well, I didn't know of you wanted to go to dinner or something. Nothing fancy though."

"So we get to know each other?" I ask.

"Yeah. If you want to," Harry says.

"I think that would be cool," I say.

"How 'bout we meet here at 5:00 so we have time and all," Harry suggests.

"Sounds nice," I say as Harry walks off with a smile on his face.

I notice its 3:50. I walk home to get ready.


"Hey," Harry says as he walks towards me. I smile at him and tell him hello.

"So where should we go?" I wonder.

"Panara Bread?" He suggests

"Or Subway?"

"What's that?"

"This place where you can make your own sandwiches! They are really yummy!" I say.

"I know, I was using sarcasm," Harry explains.

"Oh." I say, feeling stupid. But he just laughs.

"It's okay, you're forgiven," Harry jokes. I flash him a smile and he returns it.

"But Subway does sound really satisfying right now," Harry says.

So we walk to Subway and I guess on the way I look a little gloomy.

"Why the long face?" Harry asks.

"My Grandma passed away last Thursday," I say.

"I'm sorry." Harry looks really sympathetic.


"My Granny passed on too," Harry says.


"Last spring."

"Usually I'm happy in the fall," I say.

"Just think of all the happy times you had with her," Harry says.

"Thanks," I smile at him.

"Anytime. And I bet your gran was proud to have a sexy granddaughter!" Harry replies.

"Harry!" I shout. Of course he just smiles.

"What?" He asks, all innocent-like.

"Would you please stop calling me sexy?" I ask.

"But your so good-looking."

"Then call me pretty or something like that," I suggest.

"Okay you mesmerizing girl," Harry says.

"Why you!" I say, acting surprised and taken back by his remark.

"Yes, I know, I can be a very charming male," Harry smiles at me as I laugh.


After a dinner full of Harry's humor, he suggests coffee and pie. I agree as we walk towards the coffee house.

"Hello Grace, what brings you here?" Mr. Chase asks. But then he sees Harry and gives me the "look."

"We are here for some coffee and pie," I say pleasantly.

"Are you two on a date?"

"Uh no. Grace has just been showing me around and then we got hungry," Harry says.

We order our coffee and pie then sit down and small talk for the next 15 minutes or so. Then we walk outside into the chilled air and part ways. To my surprise, I'm almost, almost, upset that we have to.

I can't believe Mr. Chase was actually suggesting the idea of Harry and I going on a date. I mean yeah Harry is pretty damn fine but us as a thing? Oh no.

Harry's so dark and dangerous, like he's just this ball of fire in some ways. I see him as this guy thats bi polor. he seems like he could be all happy and smiles one second and the next he's yelling and screaming at you. Also the fact that I just met the dude?

Harry's eyes really are sending me this vibe that I need to distance myself from him in a way. Im not sure if thats the best idea or not but maybe he's bad for me. Mr. Chase was acting like Harry would stab me in my sleep or something. There has to be a reason for that though right?

But whenever I look into those bright, green eyes, my stomach flips and my hair stands on end. Its like Im falling for his eyes.

Ha eyes. There only eyes, how much could one pair of eyes lead me to disaster?

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