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  "Slow down!" Jorja giggled at her boyfriend as he began to speed up round the tight corners on the country roads

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"Slow down!" Jorja giggled at her boyfriend as he began to speed up round the tight corners on the country roads.
   But he didn't listen. Instead he turned up the music drowning out Jorja's commands which became more serious after the third time. "Arron, stop we might crash!" She squealed whilst clinging onto her seat.
   "Come on babe, I'm just having some fun!" The tall boy whined taking his eyes off the road for a second to look at her.
   Arron didn't like to make Jorja feel annoyed, let alone frightened, but he wanted to have fun. He didn't know whether it would be the last time he would truly have fun again. "Just keep your eyes on the road." The smaller girl huffed folding her arms aggressively.
   A silence fell upon the two, neither were having fun anymore. "You're still so gorgeous when your angry. And hot." Arron smirked causing the brunette to let out a scoff to cover her laugh. Turning away to face the window, a smile tugged at her lips.


   "Simon we're running late can't you go any faster?" Jide grumbled trying to fix his tie which he lazily threw on.
   The motorway was packed due to an accident between two lorries. Everyone wanted to see what was going on. Except for Simon and Jide.
   Taking the country route was meant to be easier and faster, but there was so much ground to cover in so little time. "JJ just relax, take in the scenery, we will get there in plenty of time." Simon sighed trying to calm his best friend.
   "This is Ethan's wedding man come on!" Jide raised his voice in an attempt to get the point across to Simon.
Jide considered his closest friends to be like his family. Ethan - who was one of his youngest friend - was getting married to his high school sweetheart. Natalie was her name, yet everyone called her Tilly. A short girl with a dark lob. A girl who Ethan saw the world of.
Finally, Simon gave in and the four by four began to accelerate. Turning the tight corners at a now dangerous speed.
Rain started to pour onto the road creating a dangerous surface. The small, tight roads were now covered creating a shine on the tarmac.


"Arron, the roads are getting slippy please be careful." The small brunette's voice shivered with worry.
But it was too late. The electric blue car skidded round the corner and no matter how hard Arron tried slamming on the brakes, it was no use.
A red Range Rover came hurling round the same bend from the opposite direction. Arron slammed his hand in front of Jorja's chest, knowing what was about to happen. He was willing to protect her. Why wouldn't he?
He loved her more than the sun loved the moon.
Simon tried. He really did. But his tyres were no match to the slippery surface. The two cars collided.
Glass shattered everywhere as a silence fell upon the site of the accident. Jorja was the first to regain consciousness, turning her head ever so slightly she let out a blood curdling scream.
"Arron!" The brunette screamed, shivering violently. She ignored the fact her face was trickling with blood from the new cuts on her pale skin. She clasped onto his hand that had now dropped in to her lap. "Please. Please baby, please don't leave me," she whispered, her voice was now sore from screaming.
Undoing her seatbelt she tried to pull herself forward yet her legs wouldn't move. She only felt an agonising pain. Letting out another scream the girl yelped a cry. Jorja moved her hands, pushing his body upright so he was no longer resting on his steering wheel. "Wake up baby please." She choked cupping his cheeks the brunette placed a kiss on his lips. "Please!" Jorja wailed.
Simon grunted, finally beginning to wake up. "Fuck," he whimpered feeling the strong pain shoot through his left arm. He tried to move it but screamed out instead. It was definitely broken. "JJ?" Simon groaned. "JJ!" He yelled seeing his best friend laid out across the bonnet and the shattered glass.
Tears started to fill Simons eyes seeing a pool of blood around his head. Checking his pulse Simon began to choke on his breath. No pulse. "Don't do this to me," he managed to croak out. "Please." He wrapped his stable arm around the dark skinned boy's frame.
"Don't leave me bro." He clung on to Jide's clothes tightly as he whispered to the lifeless body.
The blonde began to violently search for his phone, dialling the three digit number he stuttered as a voice on the other end spoke up.
"Hello? I- I've been in an accident, please help me." He choked again feeling a massive lump in his throat. He muttered the street address before hanging up again.

He lost his best friend, someone who was like family.

She lost her boyfriend. The love of her life.

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