Part 9

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"And what's that?" Robbie questions.

"So I think Chandler is jealous of us. Even though there is nothing to be jealous of."

"Oh I see. Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No, I need your acting skills. So here's the plan..." I whisper the plan to him. Robbie nods in acception.

"Alright let's start after the bill is paid?"

"K." I answer. Andrew and my dad split the bill. After it's paid, we say our goodbyes.

"Thank you everyone for comming." Andrew shouts. Most of the cast have left already.

"Hey we're gonna get going soon ok?" Pops tells me.

"Hey pops? Can I actually hang with Robbie? We really should catch up. Oh and Chandler can come along too." I reason.

"Sure but be safe. Text me when you want to be picked up."

"Ok thanks daddy." I walk over I Robbie and Chandler.

"Hey." Chandler smiles.

"You guys wanna hangout for a bit?" I ask. They nod.

"Ooh I know a great place down the street. Shall we?" Robbie motions to the door. Chandler eyes him. I giggle a bit. We walk down the sidewalk. Enjoying the warm evening. I was wearing denim short shorts, a white tank top with a gold necklace, and some black converse. So I wasn't that hot. The guys were panting though.

"Take off your jackets if you're so hot." I laugh.

"Thanks for noticing." Robbie winks. I giggle at the comment. He takes off his sweatshirt to reveal a plain white muscle shirt. Chandler narrows his eyes.

"Thank for watching out." Chandler plainly says as he takes it off. He glares at the back of Robbie's head.

"Ah here we are!" He exclaims. It was an ice cream shop. It looked pretty old, like those in the old movies. Robbie opens the door for me and Chandler. We all slip inside.

"Madi, what is your request?" Chandler raises his eyebrows.

"Mmmm chocolate. Double scoop. With rainbow sprinkles! Aaaand on a sugar cone." I say.

"Comming right up." He shouts.

Robbie sits down at the table I'm at as Chandler goes behind the counter. "Are you sure this'll work? I mean if I does, we can't hangout without Chandler protecting you. You're my best friend and I don't want to lose you." He frowns and tenses up.

"No no. I'm sure we still can! You've known me since I was born. And a boy can't step between our friendship. Hey, even that short time when we were dating didn't break it." I smile. He loosens up.

"Alright. Here we go." Robbie starts the plan. He takes my hand and brings me to the middle of the parlor. "Acting remember." He assures. I nod. He starts to kiss me. It wasn't anything special, it was a stage kiss. That's where it doesn't mean anything and it's just for show. We kiss lightly until Chandler steps out with the orders. Then we start to kiss harder for the show. Chandler immediately places the ice cream on the table with a loud SLAM.

"Stop it!" Chandler demands. Robbie breaks it.

"Huh mate?" He questions with a grin.

"Get away from her." Chandler pushes Robbie away from me.

"Is there a problem?" I ask Chandler.

"Uh yeah there is! This maniac is all over you today. It's not ok."

"Wait why?" I get uneasy. That's not the plan. He was suppose to back off, not do this. At the same time Robbie looks at me with the same worry in his eye.

"Because..." Chandler gulps," I like you."

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