18. Drop dead and just start smelling

Start from the beginning

"Hey." Angie waved her hand in front of his face. "Earth to Tom. Are you ready to start?"

He jumped and looked up at her. He'd totally zoned out. He scrambled to his feet. "Yeah, sure." And he rushed to turn the music on.

Their dancing had improved dramatically. Which was just great since half their rehearsal time was up. They'd added a lot of new steps and even each had a short individual number. His revolved around a few break dancing tricks and walking on his hands while Angie had come up with a hypnotic way to move her hips that he simply loved. And the best part was that her initial discomfort was gone. She could focus, spot her mistakes, suggest improvements... She could dance face to face with him.

Now was no different. She was on fire, twirling, shaking, stepping in all the right places. And he couldn't take his eyes off her. Thank God for the sunglasses. He could stare at her all he wanted without making her feel uncomfortable.

Much too soon, she stopped, panting. "I have to go take a shower or I'll miss my bus."

Tom nodded, trying to block out all images of Angie in the shower. "That's okay. Before you go, I--"

Her face lightened up as her gaze moved past him. "Hi, Billy."

What? Tom whipped around to see his best friend standing in the doorway, his mouth hanging open.

"You two are amazing!" He hopped towards them and Tom felt himself dying a little inside. "You'll surely win with that number."

"And we're not even done yet," she said joyfully. "I gotta run. Tom, was there something..." Her voice trailed off and she tilted her head.

Fuck. Well, that plan went to shit. With a defeated sigh, he took the bracelet out of his backpack and handed it to her. "It's not much, but merry Christmas."

Angie's eyes widened as she took it out and stared at it. "It's so pretty. But I didn't get you anything."

"That's okay." He tied it around her wrist when she reached it out, glad that she at least seemed to like it. "It's not a big deal anyway."

"It is to me," she whispered, turning it over to have a better look. Then, out of the blue, she jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly.

And it was just like in his daydreams. He could feel the heat of her body, her shallow breathing, his heart picking up the pace. And all he wanted was to find out if her mouth was just as hot. But he couldn't kiss her. Not with Billy smiling over them like a benevolent aunt. Not for the first time.

So they broke apart, Angie gave him a lingering kiss on the cheek, much closer to the mouth than usual and scampered off. And he was strangely satisfied. Because something did change and maybe, just maybe, the new year will bring more to their relationship.

"You two are beyond cute," Billy said, clasping Tom's shoulder.

"Thanks." Tom had no idea if he wanted to hug Billy or punch him in the face. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Wanted to give you this." Billy took out a key and handed it to his friend. "It's the key to my house. I left Christmas dinner in the pantry."

Tom's eyes widened. "What? No, I can't take this." He tried to push the key back to Billy but he skirted out of the way.

"No, seriously, take it. Rosa made this incredible meal and his highness decided we're going to Chicago for Christmas. It would be such a waste."

"Damn, you're leaving, too."

Billy nodded, seeming less than happy. "I would say I'll miss you, but I'm going to that cousin who looks exactly like you so..." He shrugged.

Tom huffed. Billy and his crazy clone story about his cousin. "I'll miss you."

"Me too." Billy sighed, gave him a hug and walked out the door.

Tom looked at the key in his hand. Billy trusted him way too much, but he wasn't about to complain. Not when good food could go to waste. At least he and Jimmy could have a few decent meals. If he'd only known earlier, he could've made Angie a lunch pack for the road.

Ugh, what is it with you and this girl? The obvious answer punched him straight in the face. Maybe, somewhere along the way, he'd fallen in love with her.


Soooo...thoughts? Theories? Complaints? Liking the story? Hating the story? Where will it go from here? Will the fact that Tom might have realized how he's feeling making it less annoying?

This has been an incredibly smooth ride so far. Where do you think I'm taking this?

How about Mizrelle? And Gina? Any thoughts on Billy?

God, I'm annoying with all the questions. Never you mind. Now sacrifice me a small goat! I need blood!

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