18. Drop dead and just start smelling

Start from the beginning

It needed to be really fucking romantic. Christmas would've been a good time, but since she was leaving...

"Bye." Angie let him go and walked away.

Tom watched her departing, wondering why he was so different with her. He didn't give a shit about his first kiss with Gina. Or Bella. Why was Angie any different?

Speaking of insufferable exes... The smell of cigarette smoke had his nose scrunching. Gina stopped next to him, ashing her Virgina Slim.

"Huh," she said, taking another drag. "So that's who you're cheating on me with."

Tom sighed annoyed. "We broke up a million ages ago. We've spent like triple the time not together than together. "

"That's stupid."

Not the only thing that was stupid. "What do you want?"

"Her ass is big."

Angie's ass was awesome. He loved the curve of it, especially how she moved it when she danced, but he wasn't going to waste his breath on Gina. "Yeah, whatever you say, anorexic Annie."

Gina frowned. "My name's not Annie."

Lord, give me patience. "I know."

"So..." She fortunately threw the cigarette away. "You in a relationship with her or what?"

"Sort of. Now will you leave me alone?"

"Does she know everything about you, then?" she asked interested and Tom froze. This was an unexpectedly devious question for Gina. "Or are you fucking her for food or something?"

Tom's vision turned red. His hands twitched and he clenched his fists, trying to control himself. If Gina were a guy, her teeth would be littering the sidewalk by now. "Oh, yes," he said, his voice blank. "That's my MO, after all. Fuck them for food and money. Like I did with you, Bella, Mizrelle and any other chick who would look my way. It's so much fun." Ugh, what was he doing? The sarcasm was totally lost on Gina. But even she could tell it was a lie because he'd never slept with her.

Gina frowned in confusion. "What's an MO?"

For fuck's sake, really? "Modus operandi."

She stared blankly at him.

"The way I do stuff. God!" He turned and walked away. He was so done with her shit.


Tom had finally found Angie a Christmas present he could afford. It was lame and tacky, and nowhere near what she really deserved, but he'd found a black beaded bracelet with an intricate, colorful floral pattern that went around it.

It actually looked all vintage and cool, even if it tied up with string. He really hoped she liked it. Enough to maybe give him a little something for Christmas. Like a kiss on the mouth.

You pathetic moron. You think you're going to buy her off? Truth was, he wasn't even trying. All he wanted was a chance to make it romantic. Money never meant anything to him except a resource he unfortunately needed. And he suspected Angie felt the same. Or at least he hoped or he was screwed.

As he waited for her in the studio, his mind played over a million scenarios of how this could go. All he needed was five minutes to give her the small parcel and wish her Merry Christmas. She'll be happy and hug him and when she'd pull back, he'd just kiss her and that was that. Then, they'd dance.

No, that wasn't right. It actually made more sense to give it to her before she left. They'd already be in the intimate mood because of the dancing. Yeah, that sounded like a much better idea.

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