Day 19 Mistletoe

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Series Title: True Love Gave to Me

Chapter Title: Day 19 - Mistletoe

Character: Issac "Ike" Evans

TV: Magic City

Warnings: None. Fluff!

Photo/GIF credits go to the original maker/owner

He did it. Issac "Ike" Evans managed to pull off the biggest Christmas party manageable by any hotel in the Miami area.

All the rooms at the Miramar Playa were booked, the drinks still flowing at the bar and folks just having a good damn time, all in the Christmas spirit.

Ike sat on the steps that led the upper lounge area, sipping on a Scotch.

Over in the corner, cleaning up a spill, was a gorgeous woman named Y/N Fitzgerald. She wasn't one of his main workers; she was a friend of one the cooks who had offered to help when a few of his other employees decided to lay out.

"Ouch!" She hissed, holding her hand.

Ike immediately got up to check on her.

"What happened?" He asked, squatting down and taking her hand.

She winced as he checked the cut, "The tumbler had a chip on the rim of it. I didn't see it until I knicked myself."

Taking a cloth from his pocket, he dab at the blood that had seeped from the small cut, "Doesn't seem too bad. Come on, let's get this patched up."

With his one hand holding the cloth to the cut, he grabbed her elbow with the other, helping her stand.

Quietly and quickly, he led her back to the office.

Her skin was soft, Ike realized as he sat her down in a chair; his fingers grazing her arm as he let her go.

Rounding his desk, he got out the first aid kit and went back to her. He knelt at her feet, taking out an antiseptic wipe and a bandaid.

He looked up at her to see if she was alright and he couldn't help himself when he saw the actual color of her eyes.

They twinkled as she blushed under his gaze.

"I'm such a klutz." She said softly, smiling.

Ike blinked, giving a low chuckle, "Let me see that hand."

She held it out to him, watching him intently as he unwrapped the previously pristine cloth.

"This might sting a little," he warned, gently wiping down the cut.

Her eye twitched as it stung. Ike leaned over, blowing softly on it. His lips were close enough that he could have kissed her hand.

Guilt coursed through him as his mind began to wander and think of what he'd give just to kiss this beautiful woman.

His precious wife, Amelia, had passed just two years ago. He wanted to move on, to let her be able to rest, but it was just so damn difficult to.

"Are you okay Mr. Evans?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.

Ike cleared his throat, "Yeah."

Taking the bandaid, he wrapped his around her finger and gathered the small amount of trash.

"Thank you," Y/N said, placing her hand back in her lap.

One of the wait staff came into the office, panting, "We need you out here Mr. Evans. Mr. Reynolds is demanding to see you."

"Christ." Ike cursed.

Going over to Y/N, he helped her stand.

"Mr. Reynolds is quite the character, isn't he?" She asked, laughter in her voice.

Ike laughed, "When he's had a few drinks, yes."

Crossing over into the lounge area, Ike put pressure on Y/N's elbow to stop her.

"Listen, I was won-"

"Kiss her, damnit!" Mr. Reynolds yelled, his gait wobbly.

Ike looked completely lost, only to raise a brow at Y/N when he heard her giggle.

She pointed above their heads, "Mistletoe."

"Do it!"

"Kiss her!"

Some more people joined Mr. Reynolds in cheering him on.

He looked down into her eyes again, the twinkle still there, "I understand if you don't-"

"It's alright Mr. Evans." She said, softly.

Jesus Christ! Her saying his name like that did bad things to him.

Taking a chance, he cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing the dimple at the corner of her smile.

Ike brought Y/N in closer, lowering his lips to hers. They kept their eyes open for a brief second, closing as soon as his lips took hold of her bottom lip.

Her small gasp as he pulled back, only to connect again, made him want to taste her even more.

Carefully, his tounge peeked out, the tip running across her top lip.

The kiss soon turned heated as the crowd cheered them on.

At the feel of her tounge caressing his, Ike knew that they had to end their kiss before something else happened.

He always thought himself a gentleman and he by no means wanted to tarnish Y/N Fitzgerald's reputation for a harlot. He pulled back enough to look at her, licking his lips.

He was surprised to not taste any lipstick, which was welcoming in many ways.

She didn't need hardly any product on her smooth skin anyhow.

"Stay, afterwards?" He asked, his voice deep with want.

Y/N bit her bottom lip, plumping it up even further, "Yes, Mr. Evans." She whispered.

"Ike." He simply said.

Y/N took a finger, running it over his smoothly shaven jaw, "Yes, Ike."

With one last peck, she left his embrace, returning back to her duties.

This woman... this magnificent creature, was one that would stay and haunt his dreams forever.

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