Chapter Ten: Where is She?

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I awake with a foggy head. When I finally get my eyes open, the room won't come into focus and the walls look weird. My head pounds and my limbs feel heavy.

"Hello, Sweetheart." A voice says from some place fall away. My heavy head rolls back as I try to look at who is talking. A shape of a human comes into my vision and I squint to see who it is. I try to speak but a gurgling noise comes out instead.

"Shh... don't say anything. I'm right here." The voice without a face tells me, petting my hair. I try to place the voice but it only makes my head hurt more. "Just go back to sleep."

I feel a pinch in my arm and struggle to stay awake. I need to see my kids...


A gurgled noise escapes me when I come tune again. I need to stay awake this time. My eyes adjust to the dim lighting and I find that I don't know where I am. I'm obviously in a basement, I can smell the moisture.

The smell of rotting wood and something I can't place makes me go into a coughing fit. I feel as if I am going to cough up a lung. Now hunched over, I hear someone enter.

"Need some water, Sweetheart?" The voice from before says, placing a cool glass in my hand. I greedily drink from it. But when it's all gone, I can tell something isn't right. I look into the murky brown eyes of someone I dreaded to ever see again.

"What am I doing here? I swear to the Moon Goddess if you touched my kids, I'll rip you to shreds." I growl, lunging forward only to be yanked back. I look at my wrists, confused, silver chains are wrapped around them and it is only then that I realize they burn.

"Oh, I knew it was a good idea to chain you up. You must be a little confused." The sicko tells me.

"Someone here is confused, it just isn't me." I hiss, pulling against the chains.

"Sweetheart, you were kidnapped a year ago. They must have brainwashed you." He tells me, worry in his voice.

"That won't work on me. Let me go, you spineless piece of trash." He shakes his brown mop of hair.

"Sweetheart, they really did a number on you, didn't they? Your name is Rylie, Rylie Hutch. You're my mate. We lost our baby two years ago." He informs me in a concerned voice. I spit on him.

"No, my name is Mack Acker. My mate is a jerk and is name is Ryker Cale. And I have two healthy kids." I hiss.

"Rylie, I really hate doing this to you but this can't be healthy." Calvin sighs, snapping his fingers. Two almost identical women enter and something in their eyes unnerves me.

"I'll see you later, Rylie." Calvin whispers, brushing my hair out of my face. I attempt to bite him. He leaves and the women prick me with something before strapping to a chair in another corner of the room.

"Alright, we are going to ask you questions, answer honestly." One of them says, I nod my suddenly heavy head.

"What is your name?"

"Mackenzie Emily Acker." I answer, unable to help myself. A shock runs through my body.

"Who is your mate?"

"Ryker Andrew Cale." A shock.

"Who is Calvin Hutch?"

"The psychopath who kidnapped me." Shock.

"Who is your family?"

"My children. My brother." Shock. My eyes water with the pain of each shock.

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